Vegetarian Dishes With Chickpeas

Vegetarian Dishes With Chickpeas
Vegetarian Dishes With Chickpeas

Chickpeas, like most legumes, have long been valued for their fiber content. Two cups of chickpeas provide the entire daily intake of a person. But new research on it and its fiber content has recently taken a step forward, suggesting that it may go beyond fiber alone and be linked to other nutritional benefits.

Chickpeas can be successfully used for both vegetarian and other types of dishes. Here are some vegetarian suggestions.

Chickpeas with spinach



• 1 can of chickpeas

• 1/2 diced onion

• 3 cloves of garlic, cut into cubes

• 3 tablespoons olive oil

• juice of one lemon (about 2 tablespoons)

• 1/2 tsp. curry powder

• 1/2 tsp. coriander powder

• 1/2 tsp. cumin

• 1 large bunch of spinach

Method of preparation: In a large skillet, fry the onions and garlic in olive oil until soft, about 3-5 minutes. Add chickpeas and a glass of water water.

Also add the spices and lemon juice, cover with a lid and simmer for about 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, adding more water if necessary until the chickpeas are cooked and soft. Reduce heat and add chopped spinach. Wait for the spinach to simmer for 2-4 minutes. Serve immediately and enjoy the dish.

Chickpea salad
Chickpea salad

Chickpeas with peas and dill

Necessary products:

• 1 gram of chickpeas

• 2.25 liters of vegetable broth

• 4 cloves garlic, minced

• 1/2 teaspoon hot red pepper

• 1 teaspoon of olive oil

• 1 kg of tomatoes, finely chopped

• A handful of fresh basil leaves, finely chopped

• dill, cleaned and chopped

• 2 medium onions, finely chopped

• 1/2 teaspoon salt

• 150 grams of frozen peas

Method of preparation: 1. In a large saucepan, mix the chickpeas and vegetable broth. Stir in half the finely chopped garlic and cayenne pepper (or dried crushed hot peppers). Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes.

2. Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Put the remaining garlic, tomatoes and basil in a pan and let it cook for 2 minutes, or just until the basil has withered. Remove from heat and set aside.

3. Mix the dill and onion in the pan with the chickpeas. Season with salt. Continue cooking for about another 15 minutes. Add the mixture of tomatoes and peas and continue cooking for another 5 minutes until the peas are ready. Serve hot.
