Indian Tea

Indian Tea
Indian Tea

Prior to the arrival of the British in India, the locals were not fond of tea. The tea arrived in India from China. It was red tea, but once planted on Indian soil, it had a different taste and was stronger than Chinese.

The British quickly began mass production of Assam tea, a wild Indian variety of which was discovered in 1823 by Major Robert Bruce and his brother Charles.

Indians, who love sweets, began adding sugar, milk, mint, ginger, nutmeg and other confectionery spices to tea.

In the beginning, only those Indians who were associated with the colonial authorities in their work drank tea. For others, tea was the unclean drink of foreigners.

India is a multicultural country, as it borders the Islamic world, China and has absorbed elements of Western culture through the British colonies. Tea was not used in ancient Vedic cuisine.

But it is the Vedic recipes that are used to brew tea with spices and consume it with fruits and various nuts.

The Indian way of drinking tea means drinking black tea, ten times stronger than what Europeans are used to, adding sugar and milk.

Tea is not consumed with the main meal, it is a completely separate ceremony related to food and drink. Masala tea is purely Indian. With it the meal ends.

In India, tea with ice, lemon and sugar has been drunk for many years. In the cooled black tea add sugar and sliced lemon, add ice. This tea is drunk in small sips.

In some parts of India, tea is not brewed but boiled in boiling water, buffalo milk is added to it, and it is drunk with sugar after it has been strained.
