How To Make Masala Indian Tea?

How To Make Masala Indian Tea?
How To Make Masala Indian Tea?

You may have heard of Masala teawhich is mainly used in India. It is a tea with a rich composition. Its other name is Indian tea.

You can find different recipes for this healing tea, but it generally includes black tea, milk, spices such as cloves and cardamom.

Indian tea stimulates the mind thanks to the spices it contains, has a calming effect and reduces stress.

Ingredients for Indian Masala tea:

2 cinnamon peels (reduces fatigue, favors the circulatory and respiratory systems, gives vitality, is an aphrodisiac)

3-4 pieces of cardamom (a popular spice in India and China, helps the lungs, kidneys and gives heart health)

4-5 cloves roses (antiseptic and analgesic properties)

2-3 pieces of black pepper (speeds up metabolism and promotes blood circulation, good for colds)

2-3 anise (freshens the breath and helps with cough)

1/4 teaspoon ginger (strengthens the immune system, benefits the circulatory system, is also good for impotence).

1 teaspoon dill (it is good for the kidneys and helps to expel gas in the intestines)

1 cup milk

3 glasses of water

2 tablespoons tea

Optionally, you can 2 tablespoons of honey or sugar

Method of preparation:


Cinnamon, cardamom and cloves are ground to a powder.

Put 3 glasses of water in a large saucepan or pan. Heat the stove and put the pot to boil the water. Add 3-4 pieces of black pepper together with dill powder, anise, ginger and black tea.

Once again, boil for 5-6 minutes and add 1 cup of milk and, if desired, honey or sugar for sweetening. Boil for another 8-10 minutes at low temperature. 5-6 drinks come out of the brewed tea.

Masala tea is very good for health as it contains many spices. It is useful for colds and diseases such as influenza. Spices such as ginger and cloves in its content favor the digestive system. The drink balances cholesterol and is good for the heart. Masala tea calms the nerves and is useful in diabetes.
