Preparation Of Milk From Nuts And Seeds

Preparation Of Milk From Nuts And Seeds
Preparation Of Milk From Nuts And Seeds

It is becoming increasingly common to believe that cow's milk products are extreme allergens, are not well tolerated by any human body and should not be present in our menu at all.

The issue of sheep's and buffalo's milk is more optimistic, but they should still be consumed as rarely as possible. Therefore, the presence of nut and seed milk is increasingly observed in stores.

However, this means that they have also undergone some heat treatment or pasteurization, which automatically takes away from their nutritional value. Any such heat treatment takes away a large part of the vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is good to carry out such production at home.

Champions in the production of useful milk from nuts are the Spaniards. They have learned to extract milk from the fruits of the earth almond. It is grown mainly in Mediterranean countries and is considered the food of the future.


The milk obtained from it has healing properties and is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The production technology is extremely easy to implement. Fresh tubers of ground almonds are crushed and flooded with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1: 4 - one part tubers and four parts water.

If the tubers are dry, they are pre-soaked in warm boiled water, and to break - go through a meat grinder. Leave to stand overnight, then filter.


At the same time rub through a sieve and add sugar to taste. It is cooled before use to make one of the traditional Spanish drinks.

Each of us can also make homemade milk from nuts and seeds. It can be almonds, sunflower, chia, sesame and ripe coconut. Hemp milk is also very useful, but is not stored for long.

The principle of production is the same. The nuts or seeds from which you have chosen to prepare the milk are soaked for about 8 hours. After sitting, drain and rinse with clean water.

Milk from nuts and fruits
Milk from nuts and fruits

Put in a blender with enough water - enough to cover the seeds or nuts, plus as much. The amount of water added can vary. The less water there is, the rarer the product will be.

Some milks need to be filtered through cheesecloth or a milk bag if the blender does not have a nano-strainer.

If you want your milk to acquire a sweeter taste, you can add 2-3 dried fruits of your choice, dates for example, or a few spoons of Turkish delight or agave, honey, xylitol, etc.

Ready-made milk can be consumed immediately, as well as used to make "milk" fruit shakes. And why not for your sauces, cakes, pancakes.

The only specificity is in the production of milk from hemp seeds. Whole hemp seeds are used for this purpose. They soak for about 8 hours.

The resulting hemp milk must be strained. Unlike most milks, however, hemp milk must be consumed immediately or frozen.
