Forget About Eating Roasted Nuts And Seeds! Eat Sprouts

Forget About Eating Roasted Nuts And Seeds! Eat Sprouts
Forget About Eating Roasted Nuts And Seeds! Eat Sprouts

Sprouted nuts, grains, seeds and legumes / sprouts / are among the most potent drugs in nature for both treatment and prevention and prophylaxis. Taking two tablespoons of sprouts a day can compensate for many of the shortcomings of the diet in humans.

The sprouts can be consumed alone or in combination with other dishes. These wholesome foods can also be used as fast food.

In order to be useful, nuts, grains, seeds and legumes should be consumed in the form of sprouted, sprouted or activated / soaked / - in their other forms they are not so useful.

When nuts are roasted, the beneficial fatty acids they contain are converted into ordinary fats and can no longer be dissolved in water. This makes them very difficult to digest, they accumulate in the body, which leads to weight gain.

In addition, during heat treatment they lose their valuable ingredients - vitamins, antioxidants, enzymes, cofactors and more. Therefore, it is best to eat raw.

Nuts, seeds, legumes and grains contain enzyme inhibitors. These inhibitors have the function of preventing them from rotting until the medium is suitable for the nut to germinate. There are digestive substances in the human body that break down food and metabolic enzymes that support all other processes in the body. Enzyme inhibitors found in nuts prevent human enzymes from performing their functions.

Another harmful property of nuts, seeds, legumes and grains is that they contain phytic acid in their husks. Once in the human body, it "grabs" calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc and prevents them from being absorbed.

When nuts, grains and seeds are activated (soaked), enzyme inhibitors are neutralized and phytic acid is broken down.
