The Most Interesting And Delicious Ice Creams From Around The World

The Most Interesting And Delicious Ice Creams From Around The World
The Most Interesting And Delicious Ice Creams From Around The World

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The ice cream is considered the most popular summer dessert in the world. For five thousand years, from ordinary crushed pieces of ice and snow mixed with fruit, it has become a culinary art.

To date, there are more than seven hundred different flavors and colorful extras: classic, a favorite of all of us from childhood, cream, waffle cones decorated with colored balls, as well as fried ice cream or frozen yogurt with fruit - all countries have their own unique recipe for a cold dessert.

Let's take a tour of the world and get acquainted with the most popular and most unusual tastes in different parts of the world.


There is prepared the same analogue of the first ice cream - crushed ice with fruit. But now Chinese ice cream is a favorite delicacy preferred by foreigners.


Americans love sweets, which is why, according to statistics, most ice cream is eaten there annually. In this country you can get acquainted with a huge range of amazing tastes. You will find ice cream with a touch of tuna, trout, beer, shrimp or chili.


It is in Italy that the recipe for ice cream, closest to the modern one, was born. To date, an integral part of Italian cuisine is the gelato. This cold dessert contains more sugar but less milk fat, which gives the product a soft, rich taste.


Where, if not in the country with the most original culture and traditions, can the most unusual ice cream be found? Egg ice creams, wasabi, shark, jellyfish, octopus are just a small part of the original Japanese specialties. Japanese ice cream surprises not only with unconventional flavors, but also with interesting shapes. So in the country of the samurai you can find ice cream in the form of hearts, squares and even bottles.
