Attention! The Ten Most Dangerous Foods

Attention! The Ten Most Dangerous Foods
Attention! The Ten Most Dangerous Foods

And it is clear to young children that not all delicious foods are useful.

Excessive use of some of them is the most direct path to excess weight, heart disease and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

To avoid having to face any of them, learn as your first name the ten most dangerous foods that, according to nutritionists, help shorten human life:

Attention! The ten most dangerous foods
Attention! The ten most dangerous foods

1. If you love chewing candies, forget about them! They are packed with large amounts of sugar, chemical additives, colorants, substitutes, etc.

2. Pass the chips in the store! They are a bomb of carbohydrates and fats in a shell of colors and flavor substitutes. It is best to forget about chips, pallets, grains and the like.

Attention! The ten most dangerous foods
Attention! The ten most dangerous foods

3. Carbonated drinks? No! Sugar, chemistry and gases in one. Contribute to the rapid distribution of harmful substances in the body.

4. Chocolate waffles, sweets and biscuits are also among the anti-foods. Again, they are packed with a huge amount of calories, combined with chemical additives, genetically modified products, dyes and flavors.

5. Sausages and salamis remain one of the most harmful foods. They contain the so-called hidden fats that are disguised with the help of dyes and flavors. Many meat producers use the so-called. transgenes - 90% of sausages, sarfalads, salamis consist of transgenic soy.

Cream sausages
Cream sausages

6. Fatty meat accelerates the aging process of the cell and contributes to the emergence of cardiovascular disease.

7. Mayonnaise contains an exceptional amount of fats, carbohydrates, colors, sweeteners, substitutes, etc.

8. Pasta for quick cooking is pure chemistry and has been proven to harm the body.

9. Salt increases blood pressure, disrupts the acid-salt balance in the body, contributes to the accumulation of toxins.

10. Alcohol: even in minimal amounts interferes with the absorption of vitamins and other nutrients useful for the body. It also contains a lot of calories.
