Diet With Cabbage, Apples And Oranges

Diet With Cabbage, Apples And Oranges
Diet With Cabbage, Apples And Oranges

With the help of apples, cabbage and oranges you can lose up to four pounds in a week. With the help of apples you can reduce the calories in the dishes at lunch and dinner.

For breakfast, drink green tea without sugar and make a sandwich from a wholemeal slice of bread no thicker than a centimeter.

Spread a very thin layer of butter or margarine on it, put two slices of apple or two slices of orange or a piece of cabbage leaf on it.

Sprinkle with grated yellow cheese, bake until golden and eat the sandwich warm. You can eat three such sandwiches for breakfast.

Diet with cabbage, apples and oranges
Diet with cabbage, apples and oranges

The second breakfast is an apple, an orange or a pear. For lunch you can choose between four options of vegetable salad.

You can prepare a salad of cabbage and apples, as the cabbage is finely chopped and the apples are grated. Season the salad with low-fat mayonnaise.

Another option is a salad of finely chopped cabbage, finely chopped oranges, bananas and apples. This salad does not taste extra.

The third version of the salad is red beets and cabbage, as the beets are grated, you can also add grated carrots.

The fourth version of the salad is made of chopped cabbage, seasoned with low-fat mayonnaise, finely chopped garlic and a little soy sauce.

For dinner, eat chicken, fish or wholemeal pasta with tomato sauce. During the diet, drink green tea, water and no more than two coffees a day.
