Stomach Irritating Foods

Stomach Irritating Foods
Stomach Irritating Foods

Food is necessary for every human body to survive. However, some of its manifestations are capable of harming our body, such as inappropriate foods that irritate the stomach.

In the first place irritating foods are the spices and especially the spicy ones. These are mostly mustard, vinegar, hot red pepper and others.

Spicy spices
Spicy spices

They have low nutritional value, but irritate not only the stomach but also the liver, intestines, kidneys and excite the nervous system.

When overdosed, they damage an otherwise healthy body. The group of irritating spices also includes leeks, garlic, hot peppers, mustard, horseradish and onions.


Snoring also irritates the stomach, while also causing heartburn. This may be due in part to the fact that during the frying process, fats lose some of their properties and undergo changes that adversely affect the human body.

Chicken with skin
Chicken with skin

In third place irritating foods there are very sweet ones. Chocolate, candies and honey have the most contraindicated effect.

Immediately after them are raw vegetables and fruits rich in cellulose and fiber. The gastrointestinal tract reacts with discomfort to excessive consumption, no matter how useful.

Excessive amounts of alcohol have the worst effect on the stomach. It directly irritates the walls of the esophagus, stomach and intestines. This causes nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, upset stomach, heaviness and more. All this is due to too much stomach acid, which irritates the mucous membranes.

Smoking, on the other hand, is the other serious scourge of the stomach. And combined with morning coffee, scraping and damaging the stomach or alcohol - the condition becomes deplorable for the overall condition of the body.

Nuts are very useful for the body. But on the other hand, the minimal protein content and the complete absence of the amino acid lysine does not make them edible in large quantities.

And if your stomach is already sick, in addition to the above, the consumption of chicken and fish skins, as well as hot foods in general are not recommended. For example, if you are cooking chicken with rice, make it with chicken fillet.

Each person has a unique, individual organism. Therefore, different people are affected by different foods in different ways. You have to determine for yourself which are the foods that irritate and which calm your stomach.
