Easy Easter Cakes

Easy Easter Cakes
Easy Easter Cakes

As the preparations for the festive Easter table are many, our suggestions for quick and easy cakes that will not take you much time are at your attention.

In order to celebrate Easter properly and not to miss a single detail, you need to plan properly what and when to prepare, so that it does not happen so that you miss important details and leave the kids without dessert.

If you do not count your time for making homemade Easter cakes, if on the day of painting eggs you have a plan for 4 more culinary tasks, leave the preparation of all Easter dishes to the last minute, you probably will not have time for everything and your nerves will seriously stretched.

As a result, you will create unnecessary tension that will irritate not only you but everyone around. As a result, you can expect that the lack of time will "eat" something that you will not be able to prepare. And this thing is most often the last in the chain - in this case the dessert.

In order not to fall into such a situation, plan the preparation of Easter cakes in advance. Small holiday cookies can last for days, and some of them even become tastier the longer they wait for their star moment.

We offer to your attention these easy and ideological recipes for Easter cakes, which can welcome your guests properly for the bright holiday.

Roll up your sleeves today and you will have 1-2 hours Easter sweets for young and old.

Quick and delicious roses with jam

Roses with jam
Roses with jam

Necessary products: 3 ½ h.h. flour, 1 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp. butter, 1 egg, jam of your choice.

Method of preparation: Beat the butter and sugar until white. Add the egg and flour and knead the dough, which is poured in portions into a syringe. Prepare a dry pan and squirt the dough in the form of roses. Put a little jam in the middle of each one. Preheat the oven to 300 ° C and bake the cakes for about 10 minutes.

Biscuits with icing

Necessary products: 350 g flour, 150 g sugar, 150 g butter, half a lemon peel, 1 pinch of salt, 1 egg.

For the glaze: paint for sweets and powdered sugar.

Method of preparation: Knead the dough from the flour, sugar, butter, crust, egg and salt. Leave it to stand for about 1 hour in the refrigerator. Then roll out a crust half a centimeter thick. Cut out cookie cutters and bake in a greased pan for 15 minutes at 180 ° C.

Allow them to cool a bit and decorate with the whipped colored icing you made from the cake paint, powdered sugar and a little water.

Sweets with margarine

Easter cookies
Easter cookies

Necessary products: 1, 5 kg of flour, 500 g of yogurt, 250 g of margarine, 2 eggs, 3 tsp. sugar, 2 packets of ammonia soda, 4 vanilla.

Method of preparation: Beat the eggs and sugar, add the margarine and milk with the ammonia soda dissolved in it. Mix the flour with the vanilla and add them to the other products. Knead everything and leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Form balls that are dipped on one side in a bowl of sugar. Arrange them in a greased pan and bake until done.

These cookies are very durable and can retain their flavor for up to several weeks, stored in a closed bowl.

Delicate coconut sweets

Chickens for Easter
Chickens for Easter

Necessary products: 250 g coconut shavings, 500 g margarine, 2 baking powder, 15 tbsp. sugar, 1 kg flour, 4 eggs, 1 tsp. milk.

About the oval: powdered sugar and 1 vanilla.

Method of preparation: Knead all the products together and let the dough stand for 30 minutes. Shape the cakes into the shape you want and bake in a greased pan. When cool, roll in powdered sugar and vanilla.

For the bright holiday, see more interesting ideas for Easter cakes or Easter roll.
