

Fructose is a carbohydrate with a sweet taste. Physically, fructose is similar to glucose. It tastes sweeter than glucose and, unlike it, dissolves in alcohol. Fructose has the same molecular weight, qualitative and quantitative composition as glucose. From its chemical properties it is understood that it contains 5 hydroxyl groups and one ketone group.

Most of the people who hear the word fructose imagine fruits. In practice, however, we take most of the fructose not from them, but from sugar substitutes, which are used in a number of soft drinks, pastries and other products. At most fructose is derived from sugar, which is a disaccharide consisting of fructose and glucose.

Benefits of fructose

One of the latest studies shows that fructose in moderation may not be so bad for the body. According to recommendations, its intake in pure form is not recommended for diabetics. One of the biggest advantages of fructose is that it is 30% less caloric than sugar.


Another plus is that it has a lesser effect on blood sugar levels. It is one of the few sweeteners that have good preservative properties and is therefore used to make some diabetic jams and preserves. Last but not least, fructose accelerates the breakdown of alcohol in the blood.

Harm from fructose

According to research fructose is an invert sugar that is not processed by insulin and does not reach the muscle cells to be burned as energy for movement, but is processed at the liver level. When a person eats a fruit but the liver is full of glycogen, there is no room for fructose and it is converted to triglycerides.

They are responsible for high blood pressure and a number of heart problems that occur as a result. Most of the lipids formed by fruit sugar accumulate around the organs, which endangers health. This buildup is known as visceral obesity.

fruit Fructose
fruit Fructose

One of the biggest disadvantages of fructose is the inability to absorb it. It remains undigested in the intestines, and the consequences are bloating, upset stomach, gas. It is estimated that between 30 and 40% of people have similar problems.

Fructose maybe it's one of the reasons your body doesn't get rid of the excess fat you've been struggling with for weeks or even months. However, before you start avoiding most products, look at the labels of the most frequently purchased goods from you. Undoubtedly, fructose will always find a place on the table, but how much and when can be a matter of choice.

Fructose has a number of suppressive functions. It stops the absorption of copper / a major mineral involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin /. Deficiency of this mineral can cause cancer.

Fructose has a suppressive function not only to insulin sensitivity but also to leptin. This is the hormone responsible for the feeling of satiety. When this hormone is at low levels, a person is able to eat without measure. This can lead to obesity and an imbalance in the ratio of good and bad cholesterol.

Sources of fructose

Foods with fructose
Foods with fructose

Fructose is found not only in various fruits and vegetables, but also in a number of ready-to-eat foods. Particularly unfavorable for the body is when the amount fructose in them exceeds that of ordinary sugar.

The food products that contain fructose are: fruits / apples, grapes, pears, etc./; dried fruits / dates, figs, raisins /; vegetables / cabbage, beets, red peppers, etc./; honey and honey containing foodstuffs; jams, marmalades, fruit dairy products; ketchup, vinegar, mustard, ready-made sauces, mayonnaise; chocolate; dietary products and products for diabetics; different types of pastries.

The fruits with the lowest fructose content are avocado, apricot, blackberry, fig, grapefruit, plum, raspberry, strawberry, papaya, peach. On the other hand, vegetables have far lower fructose levels than fruits. The most saturated with fructose are sweet potatoes and corn.

It is wrong to think that fruit consumption should be stopped. All the negatives of fructose are a fact when taken in large quantities. This is not the case with sugary drinks and other sources of fructose.
