Unknown Cereals: Tef

Unknown Cereals: Tef
Unknown Cereals: Tef

The plant diversity of our planet is unique. This is especially true of cereals and their thousands of varieties. One of the unknown cereals for our latitudes is teff. This is normal because the crop is not grown worldwide. Tef is a representative of African cultures and is a major cereal in Eritrea and Ethiopia.

Only a few centuries ago, this crop was considered only as food for livestock. At one point, however, people realized that it was actually easily digested and did not cause allergic reactions. This makes it a food suitable for people with health problems.

Most tef culture is close to millet. However, its seeds are smaller and cook much faster. They have a slight sour taste.

The cereal is an old African cereal that has often been consumed fermented in the past. Favorable for growing, it even grows in wild and unfavorable conditions that are unbearable for other cereals. In nature, however, the production is not very high.

In South Africa, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Australia and India, teff is one of the most popular cereals. It requires minimal effort, withstands drought and does not even require weeding, as it only suffocates intruders.

A dish with tef
A dish with tef

Like any other cereal, teff is rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains zinc, boron, copper, barium, iron, fiber, calcium and protein.

In addition, it contains all eight essential amino acids. It is also among the gluten-free crops. Such crops are an alternative to gluten-containing wheat.

In our country, small grains of teff can be found in the form of flour. So far, this organic flour can only be found in organic stores. However, with its growing popularity, it is gradually becoming a modern culinary product for all fans of healthy eating.

One of the disadvantages of teff is the fact that it is high in calories. One small cup of seeds contains 286 calories. Therefore, it is recommended to consume it with other healthy products - muesli or mixed flour for dietary products.
