Brewer's Maya

Brewer's Maya
Brewer's Maya

For many years yeast is used as in the production of pasta and brewing, as well as in healthy and sports nutrition. Brewer's yeast represents an additive that has more in common with beer than with ordinary cooking yeast. The reason lies in the fact that brewer's yeast is processed by a technology that kills microorganisms, but without affecting the vitamins and minerals contained in them. In cooking yeast, the yeast is alive.

A huge group of eukaryotic unicellular organisms from the fungal kingdom can be used for the production of different types of yeast / beer, bread, wine /. A characteristic feature of these microorganisms (yeast) is that they have the ability to ferment, which means that they convert carbohydrates into alcohol. Fermentation processes are used in the production of alcoholic beverages, pasta and various other products.

Thanks to the long years of selection, nowadays the separate groups of microorganisms are sifted, which bring more or less benefit and less or almost no toxic elements. In this way, the yeast Saccharomyces was discovered.

So we come to the conclusion that brewer's and baker's yeast are cousins in the family of the so-called "Noble microorganisms". Both types of yeast are members of the genus Saccharomyces. The word comes from the ancient Greek language and means "sweet mold". The yeast used in brewer's yeast is of the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae. They surpass their other brethren in the amount of useful vitamins and substances they contain.

The word Cerevisiae comes from Latin and literally means "beer". Before being packaged as a food additive, brewer's yeast goes through a special process that involves self-digestion. It consists in causing controlled cell death and the enzymes in brewer's yeast digest the latter to: vitamins, amino acids, minerals, lipids, peptides, acids and various fragments of complex chemical nature.

Brewer's yeast, instant
Brewer's yeast, instant

Composition of brewer's yeast

The best studied and generally known phytochemicals that are part of the yeast are a large part of the vitamins in the B-group - B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12. Of the minerals, iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium are best represented.

Selection and storage of brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast is sold in a number of pharmacies, health food stores and fitness products. It can be purchased in the form of additives or in powder form. The most convenient and preferred option is considered to be the tablets, which are themselves dried yeast, which are then packaged in a suitable and measurable form for administration.

Regardless of the form in which it is purchased, brewer's yeast should be stored in dry and ventilated rooms, away from moisture and direct sunlight.

Benefits of brewer's yeast

Among the proven benefits of brewer's yeast is the fact that it has a natural organic origin and provides the body with additional amounts of vitamins to food. This fact is especially valuable for vegetarians who strive for a completely organic diet. Brewer's yeast introduces moderate to high doses of micro- and macronutrients in food.

Among the still unproven claims are the assumptions that brewer's yeast lowers the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, lowers blood sugar levels, improves athletic performance. It is believed that it increases energy levels due to the high content of vitamins and minerals. This does not make brewer's yeast an energy source, but rather a good antianemic additive. Some scientists have suggested that individual fragments in the yeast membranes may support the action of white blood cells in the fight against foreign organisms.

There is no denying that brewer's yeast provides the body with most of the B vitamins. A deficiency of one of them usually leads to poor digestibility and a deficiency of another, so it is necessary to take vitamins in a balanced and moderate way.

Brewer's yeast is taken in case of lack of gastric juice, and the rich content of amino acids makes it a valuable helper for quick recovery after illness. It stimulates the immune system and is suitable after chemotherapy.

Harm from brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast treatment lasts from 1 to 3 months. Brewer's yeast is grown on hops and fed on barley malt. Drinking live yeast is not recommended because it depletes valuable nutrients from the body. The tablets are the best to take.

Some people may experience bloating, gas or belching during the first few days of taking it. These side effects appear a few hours after ingestion. They usually subside after the first week. Brewer's yeast should not be to be taken by people who already use sports multivitamins.

Skin and hair care
Skin and hair care

Beautification with brewer's yeast

Besides being extremely useful for the body, brewer's yeast has a beneficial effect and on the skin. It improves its appearance, treats dermatitis, eczema and acne. Removes dandruff and improves hair structure, strengthens nails. It is no coincidence that Sofia Loren drinks a glass of kefir in which brewer's yeast is dissolved. Thanks to this procedure, her skin and hair are in excellent tone.

If you suffer from dry or very dry skin, dissolve a little brewer's yeast in 50 ml of milk. Add lemon juice and one egg yolk. Apply on the skin and wash off after 10-15 minutes.
