Why Eat Sesame Tahini Regularly

Why Eat Sesame Tahini Regularly
Why Eat Sesame Tahini Regularly

The main raw material for the production of sesame tahini is sesame seeds. It is obtained from a shrub up to 2 meters long, with hairy leaves that emit a strong enchanting aroma.

Depending on the variety, it produces small seeds in different colors. Sesame is highly valued for its contribution to a complete and healthy cuisine. It is rich in copper, calcium and magnesium - ingredients that remain after processing.

For years, folk medicine has recommended sesame tahini for all diseases and ailments of the gastrointestinal tract. For this purpose, take 2-3 tablespoons on an empty stomach.

This is a wonderful prevention against gastritis and ulcers. In addition, sesame tahini is a wonderful and healthy breakfast suitable for all ages. It can be flavored with honey.

Both sesame and sesame tahini contain large amounts of calcium. It is therefore recommended for strengthening the musculoskeletal system. It is taken for osteoporosis, as well as by young children to strengthen the body and bones.

Sesame tahini should often be present in our menu due to the many beneficial properties it has. Folk medicine recommends it to women with premature and heavy menstruation, as well as menopause.


It alleviates the symptoms and allows you to lead a normal life. People with excessive sweating and hyperactivity, propensity and high blood pressure, heart disease and brain problems should also consume it.

Frequent consumption of sesame tahini improves the digestive system and cures constipation. It also increases the energy of the kidneys. It is also used as a preventive measure for dry and irritating cough.

The benefits of sesame tahini do not stop there. It has been shown to be beneficial in anemia as it affects blood formation. It also affects hearing and improves hair growth. Some even believe that sesame tahini can increase life expectancy.
