Collagen - What You Need To Know

Collagen - What You Need To Know
Collagen - What You Need To Know

We often find the presence of collagen in our favorite face cream, body lotion, nutritional supplements and even medicines. What is collagen?What role does it play for our body to be present as an integral part of the products we use every day?

The answer is in learning about the nature and role of this natural product of the human and animal body, which is of paramount importance for body structure.

Nature and significance of collagen

The main structural protein of the connective tissue of the human body, as well as that of almost all mammals, we call collagen. The name itself comes from the Greek word kolla, which means glue. This name is extremely well found for the building block that supports tissues, bones, tendons, muscles and strengthens them.

It is a solid, insoluble, fibrous protein that the human and animal body produces. It is built in a unique way. Each chain in its triple helix contains about a thousand amino acids. Collagen molecules are connected so as to form long and thin fibers, which are characterized mainly by their strengthening action.

All this is important for the proper function of the body because it provides all the strength of bones, muscles and tendons that it needs. Being the most common protein in our body, collagen literally fuses its components. The strength, structure and flexibility of the skin, tendons and muscles are due to collagen. Last but not least, the fresh and radiant look of the face and the whole skin. He also takes care of nails, teeth and hair.

The most abundant protein in the human body also serves to strengthen blood vessels and plays a role in tissue development. The main component is the bones and teeth. Collagen as a constituent it represents 25 percent of all proteins. It can speed up the metabolism and help build muscle mass.

The gastrointestinal tract also needs this essential ingredient. Deficiency causes a breakdown in the human immune system. This means that in case of need to strengthen immunity should be resorted to additional collagen intake.

It is clear that this is a vital component of our body, in which health and beauty go hand in hand and we need to have it available throughout our lives.

Condition of collagen in the body at different ages

Collagen in different ages
Collagen in different ages

Unfortunately, the human body does not constantly produce the required amount of collagen. With age, the production of this important protein decreases more and more. This fact visibly affects the appearance. The skin sags, wrinkles appear, the hair loses its shine and its shiny and healthy appearance, the nails break easily, and the body becomes increasingly difficult to move.

Separately, there are other factors that negatively affect the important component of our body and depend on lifestyle and human behavior. These are smoking, consumption of products containing sugar, exposure to sunlight during dangerous periods of solar activity.

How do we know that the production of collagen in our body is starting to decrease?

As this process begins at an early age, around the age of 25, it is invisible and not easily reported. Over time, it recurred. However, there are ways to feel the symptoms and seek counteraction.

When the bone of the joint and the cartilage itself change its structure from smooth elastic to hardened and even uneven, it means that collagen levels have decreased. This fact is felt in difficult movements and some disorders of joint function. Joint pain also occurs due to cartilage disorders.

This problem can be corrected with the help of added collagen, but it is several species and therefore the information about each species and its application will help to select the required species.

Types of collagen and their application

An extremely large number are known types of collagen, with almost 90 percent of that in the human body occurring in types I, II and III. These three types are crucial for the integrity of the fabric, for its mechanical properties and the durability it demonstrates.

After the age of 25 collagen production decreases by 1.5 percent per year. After the age of 40, the process accelerates and the percentage is already 25, and at the age of 60 the production of collagen is halved.

Here is which collagen will help us with the problems that arise.

Collagen type I

This collagen can be found in places such as the skin, tendons, blood vessels and internal organs. About 60 percent of all collagen in our body is of this type. It is characterized mainly by its stability and withstanding heavy loads.

It is composed of about 10 amino acids responsible for the health of hair, skin and nail plates. Glycine, proline, alanine and hydroxyproline are the best known among them.

Collagen type II

Hydrolyzed collagen
Hydrolyzed collagen

This collagen is also rich in amino acids and builds articular cartilage. It also improves their functions. It has almost 90 percent content in the cartilage of the joint and its main role is to take care of the cartilage tissue.

It is important to note that collagen type II has a different amino acid composition compared to type I and type III and therefore should not be taken together with the above two types. The body may not recognize protein such as collagen.

Chondroitin and hyaluronic acid, which have been shown to be very beneficial for joint health, are essential for type II. Together, these elements counteract osteoarthritis, and chondroitin specifically reduces inflammation and wear and tear on cartilage.

Collagen type III

Collagen type III is a major component of reticular fibers and very often goes along with type I. With its help, new connective tissue is built in wounds, for example. It is also present in places such as skin, arterial walls, and in case of deficiency there is a rupture of blood vessels.

Collagen type IV

This collagen is found in the tissue that surrounds some of the organs, muscles and adipose tissue. It plays an important role in maintaining the cells and tissues of some organs such as the kidneys, eyes and inner ear. In the presence of mutations in the gene, damage to the inner ear occurs. Collagen itself can also be damaged and then Alport's syndrome develops.

Collagen type V

In order to fibrillate type I and type III, as well as to build tissues, it is essential collagen type V. It also plays a role in building the bone system, liver, lungs and placenta.

Foods rich in collagen

Bone broth is a source of collagen
Bone broth is a source of collagen

As collagen is important, we need to get it regularly. It is best to do this through food. Food products that give the most collagen, are bone broth, broccoli and all fish. To these we must add eggs, legumes, buckwheat, oats, chicken.

Important information is that fruits and vegetables, which are rich in vitamin C, help build new collagen. Kiwi, lemon and pineapple are the first among them.

Some interesting facts about collagen

Collagen type I is remarkable in that it is very stretchable and at the same time stronger than steel, calculated per gram. It controls tissue regeneration and is indispensable in burn wounds.

Collagen is about 30 percent of proteins in the body, which in turn make up 20 percent of body weight.

In the cornea and lens of the eye, collagen is in crystalline form.

Collagen has high tensile strength and is indispensable in joints.
