

"Why should a man die if he grows up in his garden?" sage?”Reads an ancient Arabic proverb. In the famous "Salerno Code of Health" salvia is emphasized with the words: "Salvia, you are our savior, helper and natural gift." This plant, popular in traditional medicine and cooking, seems to have magical properties - both for health and in combination with various cooking products.

Salvia (Salvia officinalis) is also known as sage, bozhigrob basil, cumin, locust bean. Its name comes from the Latin "salveo", which literally means health, healing or "I am healthy". In fact, sage is a semi-shrub, about 30-60 cm tall. Due to its beautiful purple flowers, it is often grown as a garden flower. It has a specific and strong aroma, which makes sage quite suitable for spice in cooking.

Salvia originates from the European and Asia Minor Mediterranean. It is extremely resistant to winter frosts and therefore is often grown in many other places around the world, including in Bulgaria, where it finds excellent conditions. Some countries in the Mediterranean - France, Spain - are mentioned as the homeland of sage. Today, however, sage is a widespread plant throughout Central Europe.

Salvia blooms in June-July, most often with bright purple small flowers. Its leaves are oblong, evergreen and hairy. Salvia prefers sunny places, sandy soil and dry climate. When the sage blooms, you need to cut 2/3 of its height. You can get sage seeds from a flower or herbal store and grow the plant at home.

Red sage (Salvia splendens) should not be confused in any way with Perennial Maroon Salvia. In fact, sage has many varieties, among which the most famous are: Berggarte (with round leaves and compact growth, Tricolor (leaves are silvery green at the base, and the edges become pale yellow to purple), Salvia lavandulifolia and others.

Composition of sage

In the leaves of sage, and in particular in "Salvia Officialis", contains about 1, 5 - 2% essential oil. 100% pure Muscat sage oil contains active components such as thujone (41-60%), borneol (7-16%), cineole, camphor. It has a specific tart, fresh aroma with a musky note.

The estradiol contained in the oil reduces elevated insulin levels. Helps treat arthritis, bacterial infections, swelling and infectious diseases of the throat. It is also called “middle note oil” or “feminine oil.” Salvia contains alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, ursolic, oleanolic and chlorogenic acids, vitamin P, vitamin PP, niacin, and provitamin A, vitamin B1, nicotinic acid., phytoncides, uvaol, paradiphenol.

Salvia's leaves
Salvia's leaves

Selection and storage of sage

Dried sage can be purchased from a number of stores. Store the spice in a dry and cool place. If you decide, you can also grow sage in a pot, thus you will enjoy its great aroma in your home. In a pot, sage withstands very low temperatures, and in winter does not need much watering.

Culinary application of sage

Salvia Officialis is the most commonly used type of sage in cooking. Sage leaves have a very strong aroma, so small amounts of it are enough. The ancient Romans used sage in cooking.

Even today its use is widespread in traditional Italian and world cuisine. Salvia is mainly used for cooking beef and pork. The most famous dish with its aroma is Saltimbocca alla romana - rolls of beef, prosciutto and fresh sage.

Traditionally, sage is also used in the preparation of various types of pasta - gnocchi or other pasta, covered with a sauce of fried in oil until browned fresh sage leaves. You can achieve an unusual and unique taste of salads if you sprinkle them with fresh flowers from the plant. Use dried sage to flavor pasta.

Benefits of sage

Hippocrates believed sage for a sacred herb and a miraculous cure for infertility. Raging epidemics in ancient Egypt led to mass deaths and women were forced to drink sage to multiply the population. In the Middle Ages, sage was even used to treat plague.

Perhaps the most interesting legend associated with the sage is that of the birth of Christ, or especially after his birth, when Joseph and Mary fled from the army of King Herod. They set out from Bethlehem for Egypt, and for fear of being caught, hid their child among the lush sage along the road. Since then, it is believed that the plant has acquired its miraculous healing abilities, and who consumes sage will enjoy long life and even immortality.

Salvia tea
Salvia tea

Hippocrates and Dioscorides considered sage tea a sacred herb. It was introduced into medicine as an anti-inflammatory, astringent, disinfectant, hemostatic and emollient. Even today in folk medicine sage is used for urinary stones, kidney disease, rheumatism, tachycardia.

The decoction of the aboveground part was applied with cough milk, as well as as an aromatic and digestive aid. For medicinal purposes, sage leaves are used, which carry its pleasant aroma. Sage leaves are used to make tea.

Some species sage however, as "sage divinorum" they have a narcotic effect and should not be overused. Salvia divinorum is a strong hallucinogen, although its action is short-lived. This type of sage is taken by chewing, smoking or as a tincture. The end result is laughter and euphoria.

Salvia is a powerful antioxidant, has anti-inflammatory and blood-clotting effects. The miraculous herb can treat hair loss, diseases of the respiratory system and digestive tract, has a relieving effect on ulcers and gastritis, reduces sweating and soothes sudden hot flashes at menopause. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: 5 g of finely chopped leaves sage boil with 400 ml of hot water; take 20-30 ml every 3-4 hours.

With a decoction of sage can successfully treat burns, bites, skin diseases and gynecological diseases, such as problems with profuse white flow. Sage compresses help with arthritis and injuries.

You can drink sage tea every day as a prophylaxis. Recommended for severe menstrual pain and irregular menstrual cycle, to strengthen the immune system, improve digestion and treat canker sores. In women with impaired menstruation helps to restore it, eliminates pain. At menopause soothes sudden heat waves, sweating, calms the nerves. Effective in white discharge and genital herpes.

Sage tea is also consumed if you suffer from insomnia, depression, fatigue, headaches. The herb can improve your memory, which is why it is recommended for Alzheimer's and dementia.

Sage oil has many proven benefits. It stimulates and balances the nervous system, eliminates insomnia, weakness and depression, significantly improves memory. Increases mental and physical performance, activates the brain.

Sage oil can also be used to relieve spasms, nervous tension, relieve headaches. Cleanses and stimulates the circulatory system. Salvia also helps with bronchitis, coughs, colds.

Sage wine

Sage wine is used for problems with the gastrointestinal tract. 80 g of sage leaves are poured with 1 liter of red wine and stay for 8 days. Take 20-30 ml after meals.

Harm from sage

Salvia is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. It is also contraindicated for people suffering from acute nephritis.
