Aromatic Rosemary And Its Health Benefits

Aromatic Rosemary And Its Health Benefits
Aromatic Rosemary And Its Health Benefits

Rosemary is a great spice, rich in nutrients, antioxidants and essential fatty acids. Rosmarinus Officinalis grows in alkaline soil and is widespread in the Mediterranean region and Asia Minor. Its great pine and slightly spicy aroma is very suitable to be part of the preparation of various soups, sauces, as well as for flavoring chicken or pork, some types of fish and others.

The leaves of this spice contain compounds that promote human health. The tops of rosemary are extremely rich in antioxidants that stimulate the immune system, essential oils such as cineole, camphene, borneol and others.

These compounds also have a warming and anti-inflammatory effect by relieving asthma attacks as well as anti-allergic properties. It also has antifungal and antiseptic properties. Rosemary increases blood flow to the brain, which improves concentration.

The herb is very rich in B vitamins and also contains high levels of folate (derivatives of folic acid - vitamin B9). They are important for the synthesis of DNA and its optimal content in the body of a pregnant woman, preventing the defects of the neural tube (Spina bifida).

IN rosemary Vitamin A is also found, which we know is important for maintaining good vision and skin condition. The use of such natural products protects against malignant diseases of the lungs, oral cavity, breast, skin, prostate and colon. And all this thanks to the cortisol in the composition of rosemary.


The fresh leaves of this herb are rich in vitamin C, necessary to protect the body from infectious agents and maintain a strong immune defense.

All parts of the plant are a rich source of potassium, calcium, iron, manganese and copper. Potassium is needed to maintain normal blood pressure, and iron is an integral part of hemoglobin in red blood cells, which determines the oxygen capacity of the blood.
