An Innovative Brand Educates People About The Power Of Healthy Food

An Innovative Brand Educates People About The Power Of Healthy Food
An Innovative Brand Educates People About The Power Of Healthy Food

The Internet is full of many sites that teach us how to eat rationally. Unfortunately, most people just read them and live with the thought that their obesity problem comes from genes or lack of exercise. However, few people think that being overweight is in many cases a consequence of the poor composition of the food we eat.

When it comes to obesity, every second person thinks of the USA or England, and have you thought that Bulgaria also falls into the critical category and that every fifth Bulgarian child is overweight?

The conclusion is that the quantitative accumulation of cheap and full of preservatives food leads to a qualitative change not only in the figure but also in health. The truth is that we are facing a global problem that only society can solve with the help of its faith, but also of food experts to be its leaders.

Countless E's, seasoned with harmful fats and sugars, shape the awful reality. What is she…?

In the first place diseases related to diet. They are the biggest killer of adults and children. Thousands of people in countries such as the United States, Mexico, Australia, Germany, India, China, Britain and Bulgaria have problems with obesity and the poor health of their populations. Obesity and food-related diseases hurt and kill entire families. Fast food as a virus is taking over the world and causing damage globally.

20-30 years ago the food was local and fresh, now it is processed and full of all kinds of additives and additional ingredients of unknown origin.

As a result, not only portions but also labels become a huge problem. What is written has nothing to do with what is produced, there is no control, the industry monitors itself and the people obey it.

We can't say that something is dietary, given that it contains so much sugar and fat. The "diet" car does not neutralize the harmful effects of the heavy hamburger, which destroys people's hearts and lungs.

An innovative brand educates people about the power of healthy food
An innovative brand educates people about the power of healthy food

A balance needs to be struck and this will happen if there are enough people who know the food in this business. Because if you're not a food expert and you don't have a budget, you can't be creative, you can't juggle and offer variety and quality.

Unfortunately, cheap junk is being bought these days. The food that children consume is fast, processed, has no fresh ingredients in it and with many additives and E's.

What CLASS FOOD The goal is to take care of ourselves and educate our children, to know what about vegetables, what are fresh and healthy foods that are tastier than cakes and burgers.

Imagine that even milk is no longer good enough. It is a wrong practice to put a lot of flavors, colors, sugar in it to make children drink it. Needless to say, huge amounts of sugar are absorbed by children because of caramelized apples or fruit milk.

CLASS FOOD is a brand that wants to build a culture of nutrition in our society so that it can be passed on. The new food brand will always make sure that there are good, fresh products from reliable producers and will revolutionize teaching everyone to switch from eating junk food to real and healthy food!

There are experts who identify the sore points in the food business and have found the necessary resources, thanks to which we can take care of ourselves. The most important thing is to firmly believe that the power of food occupies a central place in our homes and connects us to the best of life.
