Doctors' Advice For Successful Winter Detoxification

Doctors' Advice For Successful Winter Detoxification
Doctors' Advice For Successful Winter Detoxification

How to lose the extra pounds gained after eating a lot during the holidays and feel full of energy again after Christmas?

Many people overdo it with high-fat, sugary foods and alcohol during the holiday season, says nutritionist Kate Cook. - This puts pressure on the liver, which processes the foods we eat, while alcohol and heavy foods can upset the balance of bacteria in the gut, leaving us feeling bloated and overweight. A healthy New Year's detox will give the overworked organs of your body the much-needed rest.

Detox basics


Healthy detoxification - when you eliminate alcohol, sugar and caffeine and eat more fruits, vegetables and drink enough water - it can do wonders for your health. After two to three days, most people have more energy, sleep better and even lose a few extra pounds.

Love your liver


The body has its own built-in system for dealing with toxins - liver and kidneys, but that does not mean that you can not give them a little help, especially if you overload them, says Dr. Marilyn Glenville, a leading nutritionist specializing in women's issues. health. The liver is the largest internal organ of the body and performs an incredible total of 500 different functions. It produces bile needed to break down fats, absorb and extract vitamins A, D, E and K; stores energy from food and helps boost natural immunity by releasing chemicals to fight infection.

When the liver is severely damaged or overloaded, almost all other organs in the body are affected, although healthy enough to continue working. Each organ has its own limit and the liver is no exception, says Dr. Glenville, who recommends taking tea or thyme extract, a natural herb to help improve liver function.

Detox tea

Dandelion tea
Dandelion tea

Drinking plenty of fluids will help clear toxins and keep your kidneys functioning well. For cleansing and detoxification, try to drink more water than usual - eight to 10 glasses of water a day, advises Dr. Glenville. If you are bored with drinking water, you can always try detoxifying tea.

A natural cleansing fluid is known to help remove impurities from the body. If you become dehydrated, your body begins to retain any water it receives, causing swelling. A natural herbal diuretic or dandelion tea may also help, says Dr. Glenville.

Probiotics for a healthy digestive system


If you are thinking of detoxification for the new year, the probiotic multivitamin can balance the beneficial bacteria in the digestive system and help eliminate bloating. "Probiotics can help absorb nutrients from food, empty the bowels regularly and limit the growth of harmful bacteria, thus helping to maintain a healthy digestive system," said Professor Glenn Gibson, a professor of food microbiology at the University of Reading. specialist in intestinal microbiology.
