Doctors Explain Obesity By Eating Errors

Doctors Explain Obesity By Eating Errors
Doctors Explain Obesity By Eating Errors

Obesity has become one of the world's major problems. It covers people of all ages. This problem is especially worrying for adolescents, as it is increasing avalanche among them, and the fight against it is very difficult.

What are they the causes of obesity? Most often, the main prerequisite is the stagnant way of life, which is characteristic of modern society. Lack of exercise leads to the accumulation of energy through the intake of food, which has nowhere to consume and accumulates in the form of fat under the skin.

Obesity in turn leads to a number of health problems, which are most often chronic - diabetes, high blood pressure, accompanied by high levels of bad cholesterol, heart problems, and at a certain age and an increased risk of strokes and fatal heart attacks.

According to the chief therapist of the Russian Ministry of Health, the basis of the problem of obesity are the eating habits of the people. They usually start in childhood. If a child is overweight at an early age, after the age of 30, he or she will most likely have both hypertensive complaints and an obesity problem. The risk of heart disease appears in adolescence.


The most common reasons for weight gain are bad eating habits. People eat a lot, but do not try to expend the accumulated energy. The imbalance that occurs between the inflow and consumption of energy leads to obesity.

The solution to this problem is to eat exactly as much food as the body requires. Eating food after satisfying hunger is a major mistake. The number of meals between the three main ones should also be minimized or completely excluded.

Food advertisements also have a bad effect. They encourage people to eat, even when they are not hungry. It's just that the middle of life encourages overeating. Both at home and outside, we are overwhelmed with food that tempts us.

The only correct position here is active critical thinking to sift through advertising tricks that convince us of the useful qualities of a dish and ignore the appeals of fast food chains.
