Say No To Frying! Here Are 5 Useful Options For Cooking In The Oven

Say No To Frying! Here Are 5 Useful Options For Cooking In The Oven
Say No To Frying! Here Are 5 Useful Options For Cooking In The Oven

The dishes in the oven are not only a convenient method of cooking, but also very useful. Judge for yourself - you can prepare your food with a minimum amount of fat, baked crust is achieved with a high temperature and is not due to the burning of oil, as happens when frying. Therefore, almost all dishes cooked in the oven can be given to young children.

Many housewives consider the oven as a tool for preparing meals on holidays and weekends or more complex dishes. But in fact it is much easier to cook in the oven than when frying on a hot plate. The sacred actions over the pan - constantly watching the food to burn us, to turn, to cover, to reduce and increase the heat, require you to be inseparable in the process.

But the oven completely unties your hands, and if you have a timer on it - you're just lucky. See how simple it is - you turn on the oven and while you wait for it to heat up, you prepare the products, put the dish in the oven, turn on the timer and you are free.

Baking shapes can be different, round, square and rectangular, whole or movable, with a hole in the middle or without - the choice is huge. In addition to the classic steel and cast iron cookware in the oven, you can use silicone, ceramic and refractory dishes, they are much more convenient and reduce the amount of fat used.

In the gallery above are the 5 methods for healthier cooking in a kitchen stove.
