Turn Your Home Into A Family Pizzeria Once A Week

Turn Your Home Into A Family Pizzeria Once A Week
Turn Your Home Into A Family Pizzeria Once A Week

There are probably only a few families who don't like pizza. Most people have something like a family ritual - to go with the children for pizza (once a week, monthly or for holidays). However, this pleasure, no matter how seldom we can afford it, can sometimes seem too expensive.

And that's not all. We often come across unfriendly staff, missing ingredients or those of low quality or an unpleasant atmosphere in general.

So you can be a little creative and bring this tradition home by creating your own Family Pizzeria.

Start at the table. It should be fresh, friendly and different from what your children are used to seeing every day. Keep a tablecloth in the cupboard only for the days when you open the pizza corner at home.

Decorate with a vase of flowers and beautiful napkins and utensils and play light, pleasant and family-friendly music.


Make a menu that makes your guests feel like they are really in a restaurant. Start with a green salad with croutons and parmesan and your favorite drinks. If you do not want to spend the whole day preparing, you can buy ready-made dough and ask the children during the day to help you with slicing vegetables and other ingredients for pizza.

When the time comes, quickly arrange the pizzas according to everyone's taste and only after about 15 minutes everyone will enjoy a warm and delicious pizza in the pleasant company of your family.

Surely this way, in addition to avoiding incredibly expensive restaurants, you will get good service in a pleasant atmosphere and everything prepared exactly as you wished.

It is not important to be in a restaurant with the family, but it is important to be a family in everything and to be united and cohesive, to love and help each other.

One such day a week can contribute a lot to the comfort of home - especially if you continue with family games and long conversations after dinner.
