Turn Your Favorite Foods Into Vegetarian

Turn Your Favorite Foods Into Vegetarian
Turn Your Favorite Foods Into Vegetarian

There are many logical and more and more healthy reasons to avoid eating meat. Fortunately, with a little creativity, you can substitute meat in almost any dish - the important thing is to find the right and vegetarian-like substitute.

If you are new to this field, the following suggestions will probably be extremely useful.


1. Jackfruit - This great but little-known fruit, coming from India, is rich in protein and vitamin B, which makes it great for your new healthier diet. It will be difficult for you to bring and process the giant fruit at home, so the better option is to buy one from cans. It can be consumed in different ways and you will always have the feeling that you are eating meat - with spicy spices grilled on a barbecue, with onion and hot sauce, fried in a pan, stewed in vegetable broth, baked in the oven;


2. Lentils - part of the legume family, which go well with meat and imitate it just as well, both in terms of protein content and texture and taste. Lentils can be used in any dish that requires minced meat;


3. Marinated mushrooms - flights with soy sauce or wine vinegar, mushrooms are not inferior to meat foods. In addition to all the known useful ingredients, mushrooms also contain selenium, which is rarely found in fruits and vegetables, but is essential for the proper functioning of the liver. Shiitake mushrooms are almost indistinguishable from chicken when cooked properly;


4. Nuts - If you think that your vegetarian dish will be deficient in protein and fat, be sure to add nuts to it. The most commonly used are peanuts, almonds and hazelnuts. They can be used to make cheese, mayonnaise, various sauces or bites;


5. Miso - Japanese pasta made from fermented soybeans. It is used to flavor a number of dishes because it has a specific taste well known from meat and fish dishes;

Include these 5 foods more and more often in your daily menu and you will gradually realize that you do not need meat.
