Beautiful And Healthy With Spinach

Beautiful And Healthy With Spinach
Beautiful And Healthy With Spinach

If you consume three hundred and fifty grams of spinach a week, the age-related changes in your eyes will appear much later due to the lutein contained in this vegetable.

It improves vision, especially for people who work with computers. Fresh spinach juice cleanses the body, chases fatigue and replenishes energy reserves.

This only happens if you drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Spinach juice stimulates the work of many organs. It has a beneficial effect on the kidneys and liver, as well as the stomach.

For inflamed gums, it is good to rinse your mouth with spinach juice. For inflamed tonsils, gargle with spinach juice. Spinach juice calms the nerves.

People who lead a sedentary lifestyle should drink two glasses of freshly squeezed spinach juice a week, and those who exercise a lot and exercise should drink it every day.


Spinach juice, mixed in proportion to one with almond oil, is very good for health, especially for the growth and development of children and teenagers.

Fresh crushed spinach leaves reduce inflammation and help with insect bites. Spinach paste cooked in olive oil is used for burns.

With such a paste you can remove freckles and improve the complexion. The taste of spinach is almost neutral and it can be added to various dishes to give them a beautiful green color.

Spinach also has a disadvantage because it is unsuitable for people who suffer from kidney problems and urinary tract diseases.

In gout and rheumatism, as well as in diseases of the duodenum, liver and bile, spinach is contraindicated.

Only young spinach is suitable for consumption. The smaller the spinach leaves, the younger it is. Large coarse leaves should not be consumed.
