How Is Spinach Grown?

How Is Spinach Grown?
How Is Spinach Grown?

Growing spinach has been popular in our country for a long time. This is a plant that for a short period after sowing the seeds appear and the first leaves in the greenhouse beds.

The demand for this crop is growing daily, which means that it will not hurt you to learn how to grow spinach in the garden.

Soil selection

The best for growing spinach is fertile and well-drained soil. It is preferable to grow the crop on sand, clay layer or clay soil. Important for the quality of the plant is the acidity - the optimal pH value is 6.7-7.0.

If you plant it in strongly acidic soil, you risk losing spinach. Heavy soils require the introduction of organic matter. Limestone or carbonate soils are not good enough because they do not have the required level of iron.

In areas without chernozem, mineral fertilizers are applied immediately before sowing: 10-13 g of potassium, 5-6 g of phosphorus and about 10 g of nitrogen. This dosage of additives is calculated per square meter.

Sowing spinach

The most popular way is to grow spinach from seed.

For spinach, the soil is prepared in advance during the autumn period. During the excavation of the soil certain fertilizers are introduced - potassium, phosphorus and compost. One third of the standard dose of nitrogen can also be injected into the soil. In the spring, before planting, the soil is cultivated for sowing and the rest of the nitrogen dose is added.

Sowing is done in several stages, so you can get fresh green leaves during the season for a longer period and without interruption. In late August or even in the first half of September, the crop is sown in the ground. This is the time to get green stalks in early spring.

If you sow the seeds in early autumn, you will get the first leaves before the first frosts.

Before sowing spinach seeds, they must be properly prepared to give good results. Immersing them in water for several hours is not enough, as the seeds absorb little moisture. For preparation, use warm water, about 25 degrees Celsius. After two days in the water the seeds are ready. They have the initial moisture and are sown in the ground.

There are several ways to sow - on ridges and rows. The first is used if the soil is heavy, and the second - for any other soil. The seeds are sown at a shallow depth, about 2-3 cm, and between the rows of future greenery, the distance should be about 25-30 cm.

Care for spinach


First of all, it is necessary to monitor the plants and take care of them. They must be cleared of weeds. Carry out timely watering of plants. Do not allow the soil to dry out in hot weather.

You also need to thin the spinach to get enough light.

You can harvest spinach when it is in the 7-8 leaf stage.

The leaves can be stored for almost a week. During this period, they must be stored and consumed immediately.

If you need longer storage, you can freeze it in the freezer.
