Don't Let Your Heart Be Lazy! Juna's Health Recipe

Don't Let Your Heart Be Lazy! Juna's Health Recipe
Don't Let Your Heart Be Lazy! Juna's Health Recipe

The healer Juna believes that every illness is the result of unforgivable resentment. If a person accumulates anger and negativity in himself, and is constantly worried, it is not surprising that the disease is coming. It is important to constantly monitor your body physically, it is just as important to carefully monitor what is happening in the soul.

If you have a difficult period, you are very nervous and can not find the key to harmony, be sure to read these Juna's recommendations. She was a wise and exceptional person and she never got tired of telling her relatives: life is what we think of it.

How to find harmony?

With forgiveness - If you have problems in your life, it does not matter in which area, this is a sign. It means to forgive someone! This has an excellent technique that dissolves all insults. Imagine the person you want to forgive on stage. Imagine that something very good is happening to him, something he has always dreamed of. Allow him to leave the stage and take his place. Imagine that you are happy and your dream comes true! After a month of such a small daily practice, your life will be a hundred times better! You will no longer have difficulty how to find peace - he will come unnoticed, by itself.

With activitydo not let your heart be lazy!! At least an hour a day walking, climbing stairs and be sure to exercise. Activity is important for the heart muscle, but if you are accustomed to a passive lifestyle, you live with half strength - it turns out that you are approaching old age and disease occurs.

Don't let your heart be lazy! Juna's health recipe
Don't let your heart be lazy! Juna's health recipe

With massages - touching your body, you express love for him. Daily facial massage, relaxation of facial muscles will help you get rid of the shackles, and insomnia and headaches will stop. Massage your face for at least 5 minutes a day and another 10 minutes - legs and neck. It is good if you have a loved one to massage you. But even if you don't, it doesn't matter, self-massage is also effective!

With thoughts - Be careful what you think! Don't waste a minute thinking about people you don't like. Don't think about bad events that you are afraid of. Here's how to find peace: you need to obey your own thoughts. It's hard to follow your thoughts and learn to do it all the time, but you have to try. This is the secret but the good health and youthful appearance of many centenarians: they are not poisoned by bad thoughts!

With respect - Respect yourself! Remember that there is no other person in the world like you. Envy is ignorance, and imitation is suicide! By not respecting yourself, you commit suicide. Awareness of one's own value can be developed through daily diligent work, paying attention to all one's thoughts and all one's actions.

Don't let your heart be lazy! Juna's health recipe
Don't let your heart be lazy! Juna's health recipe

In the future - Evaluate yourself as much as you value yourself today!

What does this mean? It is important to be able to give up momentary pleasure in the name of happiness in the future. Do not give up, know that you are doing the right thing. This means:

- do not drink an extra glass of alcohol so that you do not feel bad tomorrow;

- to give up a spontaneous purchase now, so that you have enough money for everything planned;

- refuse dessert in the name of future beautiful figure and future health; - Give up the temptation that will lead to serious consequences in the future.

Remember: You now, your health now is the result of numerous betrayals of yourself in the past. Or vice versa - the result of your good deeds comes first for yourself.

Juna's secret recipe for health and youth

To keep your body young and healthyJuna drank beetroot tincture to purify the body.

Juna's secret recipe for health and youth
Juna's secret recipe for health and youth

The course of treatment is two weeks, after a break of two weeks you can repeat! This tincture will not only help improve digestion, but will also lower cholesterol, blood sugar and cleanse the liver.

Juna beetroot tincture

beets - 1 head medium in size

boiled water - 1 liter

black bread - crust

Peel a beet, cut it into small pieces. Put the beets in a glass jar, add a crust of black bread and pour a liter of boiled but cold water. Insist the beets for three days in a warm place. Remove the foam and place the tincture jar in the refrigerator.

Take 125 ml of the cleansing miracle tincture 3 times a day before meals.

One consists of a body shell and a soul - one must take equal care of one's physical health as well as one's spiritual health. This is the key to health, happiness and harmony.
