The First Rule Of The Diet - Give Up Coffee

The First Rule Of The Diet - Give Up Coffee
The First Rule Of The Diet - Give Up Coffee

If you have decided to start a diet in order to lose some extra pounds, the first thing you need to do is to give up coffee, US scientists have found.

The study found that caffeine use whets the appetite for sweets, and if you drink coffee every day while on a diet, you will frantically eat chocolate or cake, and the days of dietary regime they will become hellish torments.

Cornell University professor Robin Dando told the Daily Mail that he and his team had studied the link between drinking coffee and the desire for sweets with 107 volunteers.

The final results showed that in people who are addicted to caffeine, the desire to eat something sweet is 20% stronger.

The study participants were divided into two groups. One group drank every morning strong black coffeeand the second - decaffeinated coffee. Both groups added the same amount of sugar to the glass of their morning drink.

At the end of the study, however, it turned out that the group of decaffeinated has eaten fewer sweets and, accordingly, lost more weight than people who did not part with their caffeinated beverage.

Drinking coffee
Drinking coffee

On the other hand, Chinese scientists claim that caffeine makes you more active if you drink more a cup of coffee every morning, you will be more motivated to play sports.

Their research has shown that people who start their day with a glass coffee, are more active during the day, run in the park and are encouraged to visit the gym regularly.

However, the daily dose should not exceed 50 grams per day, because otherwise it becomes dangerous for the heart and nervous system.
