Coffee Was First Her Food And 5 More Surprising Facts

Coffee Was First Her Food And 5 More Surprising Facts
Coffee Was First Her Food And 5 More Surprising Facts

The whole world loves coffee!! That fabulous inimitable fragrance that awakens the senses and thoughts. And its taste, which with one small sip evokes such a strong desire for life. Everyone is looking for it everywhere. But does everyone know these few interesting facts about coffee:

It was food before it became a drink

While most of us love coffee as a beverage, you should know that it has not always been consumed this way. In the beginning, coffee was food. It all started when a farmer in Ethiopia noticed that his goats ate the grains of a bush and then began to behave strangely. Out of curiosity, he also tasted the nipples and felt full of energy. Needless to say, he did not keep the discovery to himself and so many people followed his example and started eating coffee beansto gain energy. Only years later, coffee was roasted and prepared the way we know it today.

It is the second best-selling product in the world

Coffee beans
Coffee beans

Coffee is the best-selling commodity in the world after oil. This may seem incredible, but it is the truth. It is also the first agricultural product to be exported to the world, long before wheat, sugar or cocoa. Every year, tens of millions of bags of green coffee travel the world. This means that coffee competes with natural gas in the big world of international trade

The world record for drinking coffee is…

Roasted coffee
Roasted coffee

The world record for drinking coffee belongs to a man in love with the drink, who drank 82 cups of coffee in just 7 hours. He was, of course, probably very proud of himself, but we should not follow his example. In fact, it has been proven that drinking too much coffee can kill us. The lethal dose is fixed at 100 cups, so don't try to break that record.

Better baked - less caffeine

Green coffee
Green coffee

Contrary to a misconception, it is not green coffee that is good for health, but black coffee that is well roasted. So the more your coffee is roasted, the better for your health.

In fact, the more coffee is roasted, the lower the caffeine content. This is explained by the fact that the heat treatment of coffee beans releases caffeine, which decomposes under the action of heat. This is wonderful because black coffee is richer in antioxidants. Scientific research has shown that roasted coffee can most effectively restore levels of vitamin E and glutathione (two major antioxidants) in cells.

The country's largest consumer of coffee is…

Drinking coffee
Drinking coffee

Did you know that the United States is the country where it is consumed the most coffee? Only there do they receive a third of coffee exports worldwide. To get a better idea of the amount consumed in numbers, it represents 450,000,000 cups of coffee per day in the United States alone. New Yorkers are the largest coffee consumers in the country with about three cups per person each day.
