Seafood Makes A Man Think About Sex

Seafood Makes A Man Think About Sex
Seafood Makes A Man Think About Sex

After the cold winter, we are attacked by drowsiness and general weakness, known as spring fatigue. Our skin is pale and our appearance is slightly tormented. To look good, we need vitamins A, B6, C and bioflavonoids.

They improve the work of the immune system and help to withstand physical exertion more easily. Vitamin D is also very necessary, but it is produced in our body only thanks to sunlight.

If you have decided to go on a spring diet, keep in mind that if you limit protein and fat, you need vitamin complexes with B6, B12 and iron.

Vitamin E is needed to stimulate sexual desire in women, which also succumbs to general spring fatigue in the spring. It is found in oil, olive oil, sprouts, and legumes.

You also need vitamin K, which is found in pumpkin, spinach, green peas, beef liver, egg yolk. Last but not least is folic acid.

Seafood makes a man think about sex
Seafood makes a man think about sex

It is found in large quantities in parsley, so add it to salads, as well as cabbage and cauliflower. Antioxidants - vitamins A, C and E protect the body from the harmful effects of the environment.

They also slow down the aging process. They are found in carrots, oranges and citrus fruits. The combination of zinc and vitamin A enhances sexual function in men.

Instead of nuts and potatoes, drink beer with seafood. Shrimp, mussels and squid contain a lot of zinc. Vitamin A is found in cod liver, beef liver and butter.

If your eyes are constantly sore and you get tired easily while sitting in front of the computer, then you lack vitamin D. It is found in mackerel, especially in its liver, as well as in egg yolks, oil and olive oil.
