What Are The Five Healthiest Foods?

What Are The Five Healthiest Foods?
What Are The Five Healthiest Foods?

What are the healthiest foods? This is a question asked to thousands of nutritionists around the world. So far no unambiguous answer to this question has been received. However, if we summarize the results of many years of research, then we can distinguish the five most useful foods.

And so:

1. The nuts are the most nutritious product containing a set of unique proteins. In their composition, nuts are closest to animal products - fish, meat, seafood. We are all familiar with the expression: Nuts are the food of the long-lived, there really is a solid bit of truth in this statement.

Trace elements, a set of vitamins, antioxidants and other substances contained in large quantities in nuts, prolong the life of cells and the body as a whole.

2. Seafood is the richest source of trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body, especially the nervous system.

Fish, shrimp, squid and other products are not only very tasty food, but also nutritious, completely replacing meat products, which have a very negative effect on humans.

Wholemeal bread is good
Wholemeal bread is good

3. Wholemeal bread is needed to maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract. Those who regularly eat whole grain bread with bran never have constipation and other intestinal disorders. This one bread is a useful food.

4. The milk is another indispensable product in a healthy diet. Natural milk contains all the substances a person needs, from vitamins to calcium and other trace elements.

5. Plant foods - fruits and vegetables are lots of healthy foodswhich you can buy even in modern supermarkets. They do not lead to obesity, very nutritious and useful for the body.
