Pears Are Much More Useful Than You Think! See Why

Pears Are Much More Useful Than You Think! See Why
Pears Are Much More Useful Than You Think! See Why

Pears are more effective in fighting stomach ailments than we ever thought. Scientists were surprised by a new discovery about the benefits of these fruits.

Researchers at the University of North Dakota have unequivocally proven that the pear destroys the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which colonizes the stomach after fermentation.

Varieties with proven abilities are Bartlett and Starcrimsson. The phenols and antioxidants in them slow down the action of the enzymes involved in the metabolism of glucose and starch.

However, in order for the pear to benefit, it must be eaten whole without peeling. The reason is that its bark contains 3-4 times more phytonutrients than the inside. It also contains about half of the fiber in the fruit.

Until now, the pear was considered quite useful because of its richness in cellulose, vitamin C and potassium. There are up to 100 calories in one fruit.

Pears have many more benefits than you think. Since ancient times, they have been used by Chinese medicine for lung diseases. Fruit juice is recommended on hot summer days, when mucus may appear in the lungs, leading to shortness of breath.

Polyphenols in pears make them a wonderful tool to fight diabetes. Unpeeled pears have a protective effect against the development of type 2 diabetes and help lower blood sugar levels. To improve insulin sensitivity, they should be eaten more than five times a week.

Few people know, but pears contain folic acid, which is so necessary for pregnant women. In a large pear there are up to 14 mcg of the substance, which prevents birth defects in children. The recommended daily intake during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is 700 mcg, and in adults and children over 11 years of age - 200 mcg.

Delicious pear juice is perfect for babies as it boosts their immunity. It also contains the natural antihistamine - quercetin, which saves those suffering from hay fever and allergies.

Pears contain high levels of the mineral boron, which helps the body retain calcium. They also have a high content of vitamin K, which is vital for bone health.

One of the most interesting applications of pears is against hangovers. To avoid a headache in the morning, drink a glass of pear juice.
