The Five Biggest Benefits Of Onions

The Five Biggest Benefits Of Onions
The Five Biggest Benefits Of Onions

There are few soups, salads, stews, and even the main dishes that can be prepared without the use of onions. Although in most cases it cannot be served as a stand-alone dish, one thinks, onion varieties are present almost everywhere. You can even make pasta specialties with onions, such as the archer.

The homeland of onions is Central Asia, but the moment it enters Europe, it quickly gains popularity. This happened somewhere in the Middle Ages and since then this vegetable is regularly present on our table.

In Bulgaria, as in almost all parts of Europe, onions are consumed throughout the year. In spring and summer the emphasis is on green and red onions, and in the rest of the year - on ordinary onions and leeks.

Except for culinary purposes, however, it has been proven that onions can serve and as a medicine against a number of diseases or problems of the human body. Although it contains over 85% water, it is very rich in minerals, including iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium and others.

Not to be underestimated is its content of vitamins C, B1, B2, PP and E, as the highest amount of vitamin C can be found in the green feathers of fresh onions. They also contain a good amount of vitamin A. And because of all that has been said so far, it turns out that onions are not only tasty but also very useful vegetables. Here we will list only the five largest benefits of onions:

1. The onion contains a specific essential oil that kills bacteria that enter the stomach along with food. It is also used to treat infections and reduce inflammatory processes in the body;

Types of onions and its benefits
Types of onions and its benefits

2. Onions cause the secretion of gastric juice, which has a beneficial effect on digestion;

3. Regular consumption of onions protects the body from the formation of a number of tumors. Used for the prevention and treatment of cancer;

4. Onions are good for the cardiovascular system and are recommended to be consumed regularly by people suffering from similar problems;

5. And last but not least, onions are invaluable in the treatment of colds and all kinds of colds.

For the benefits of onions there is a lot to talk about, so don't forget to eat this miraculous vegetable if possible!
