The Price Of Vegetables Continues To Fall

The Price Of Vegetables Continues To Fall
The Price Of Vegetables Continues To Fall

For the second time since the beginning of May, the price of vegetables registered a decline, continuing to fall. In addition to vegetables, a decline was registered in some fruits.

In just one week, the price of potatoes has fallen by 18.5%, and potatoes are sold wholesale for BGN 0.88 per kilogram. The imported tomatoes are also cheaper, where the price is lower by 18.1% and their wholesale weight is now BGN 1.36.

The market price index has also registered lower values for greenhouse cucumbers, which are sold for BGN 1.32 per kilogram. Their price decrease was by 15.9%.


There is also a drop in prices for carrots, which are 12.6% cheaper and can now be bought for BGN 0.83 per kilogram wholesale.

In the case of greenhouse tomatoes, which are Bulgarian production, however, there is an increase of 6.4%, as the native tomatoes are sold for BGN 1.83 per kilogram.

In the last week an increase in the price of radishes and cabbage by 11.1% and 12.7% was registered.

On the other hand, strawberries have fallen in price by 15.1%, and a kilo of these fruits is now available for BGN 3.04.

In the case of flour type 500, a slight increase of 2.4% was registered, which makes its price BGN 0.87 per kilogram.


Eggs, which as of this week are sold for BGN 0.17 per piece, have also become cheaper, which is a decrease of 5.6%.

Oil and sugar have remained the same as last week. Oil is sold for BGN 1.99 per liter, and sugar - for BGN 1.41 per kilogram wholesale.

Last week, scientists also alerted about tons of cosmetics that could get into our food after being dumped into the world's oceans.

They are usually abbreviated PE, PP or PMMA, but there is always the possibility of tiny particles of body gels or toothpaste getting into food.

Experts warn that the thousands of chemical elements that are dumped in freshwater and saltwater basins end up on our plate.

Small plastic chemical particles can seriously harm the human body.
