Four Coffees A Day Fight The Harms Of Drinking

Four Coffees A Day Fight The Harms Of Drinking
Four Coffees A Day Fight The Harms Of Drinking

The liver is completely protected from cirrhosis if you drink four cups of coffee a day. However, they cannot erase all the damage we do to our body with an unhealthy lifestyle.

Severe liver damage, which often ends in death, can be limited by drinking more coffee. The researchers came to this conclusion after studying more than 430 thousand people.

Until now, it was thought that two glasses a day halved the risk of developing cirrhosis of the liver. Researchers at the University of Southampton, UK, have found that this is not only true, but there is a way to limit this possibility to a minimum.

Coffee is a cheap and popular drink that is well tolerated by most people. At the same time, cirrhosis is one of the diseases that kills more than 1 million people each year worldwide. It occurs as an immune reaction or is the result of fatty liver caused by diabetes or overweight.

In tests in 9 out of 10 people, increased coffee consumption significantly reduced the risk of cirrhosis compared to people who did not drink the dark beverage. Studies show that if coffee cups are increased to 4 a day, the risk of cirrhosis continues to decrease inversely to the full minimum. One glass reduces the risk to 22%, two - by 43 percent, three - to 57%, and four - over 65%.


The protective effect of coffee is most noticeable in the damage caused by alcohol. In obesity and diabetes it is more than minimal. However, not every type of coffee and brewing technology has such a positive effect. This is especially important in non-alcoholic liver damage. Schwartz coffee (filter coffee) has the most beneficial effect.

However beneficial caffeine may be, it cannot repair the systemic damage we do to the liver with our bad habits. The lack of a healthy diet cannot be replaced with a few cups of coffee.

More tests are to be carried out to show whether such amounts of coffee a day do not give a certain negative reaction in some of the other organs and systems.
