South Beach Diet

South Beach Diet
South Beach Diet

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The latest diet - South Beach, is an innovative regimen developed by American cardiologist Dr. Arthur Agatson, which helps you fight weight. South Beach is an easy and effective healthy eating program based on glycemic index (GI) theory. The plan does not require food restriction, calorie counting and hunger - on the contrary. You are full and weak.

According to the theory of the glycemic index after a meal, blood sugar levels increase, especially in cases of intake of products with high GI. This, in turn, leads to a sharp increase in insulin production. It whets the appetite and makes us want more food. High levels of insulin in the body are a prerequisite for burning fewer calories.

It follows that the intake of low GI products logically leads to a slow increase in sugar levels. Thanks to this, you do not feel hungry, and your body is given enough time to convert fatty acids into energy.

South Beach Diet consists of a reasonable balance between so-called good fats and good carbohydrates. It includes three main stages, the first two are limited in time, while the third lasts a lifetime.

First stage

This is the most severe stage and lasts 14 days. In it meals are 6 times a day, and the products taken should be without sugar and fat. Prohibited: sugar and sweet foods, duck and goose meat, chicken legs and skin, high-fat cheeses, fresh and yogurt, all types of pasta, products containing starch, fruit and fruit juices, corn, carrots, fatty meat and alcohol.

Can be consumed: nuts (pistachios, peanuts, walnuts), egg white, skim cheese, skim cheese, olive oil and sunflower oil, lean meat (beef, beef), chicken (without legs and skin), fish, all kinds of seafood, vegetables without starch (cucumbers, cabbage, beans, beans, turnips, eggplants, green vegetables, tomatoes). These products can be taken indefinitely. A feeling of hunger should not be allowed.

In the first stage, between 3 and 6 kilograms are lost.

Second stage

It again includes 6 meals a day and continues until the desired result is achieved. It prohibits: sugar and sweet foods, honey, jam, white bread, white flour pasta, cakes, biscuits, white rice, potatoes, carrots, corn, sweet fruits (bananas, pineapple) and fruit juices.

Black chocolate
Black chocolate

Among the permitted foods are: skim milk and skim yogurt, brown rice, barley, oats, buckwheat, black bread, dark pasta, dark chocolate, cocoa, fruit, red wine in small quantities, and all permitted products from the first stage.

Third stage

It lasts for the rest of your life. Bad fats and bad carbs should be avoided on the menu. All this must be combined with appropriate physical activity.
