Three More McDonald's Restaurants Have Closed In Russia

Three More McDonald's Restaurants Have Closed In Russia
Three More McDonald's Restaurants Have Closed In Russia

Another 3 of the restaurants of the fast food chain McDonald's closed their doors in Russia after the massive inspections of the consumer protection service - Rospotrebnadzor.

Two of the closed restaurants are in Sochi, and one - the city of Serpukhov, located in the Moscow region.

Earlier, Rospotrebnadzor closed three McDonald's restaurants in Moscow and one each in Stavropol and Ekaterinburg. Authorities say inspections of restaurants in the country will continue.

There are currently 12 McDonald's restaurants closed in Russia. Among them is the first fast-food chain that opened in Russia in 1990.


According to the official website of McDonald's, the company currently has 435 restaurants in Russia in 85 cities, and the number of sites inspected in the last month is over 100.

The action against the American fast food chain is believed to have been provoked by the new sanctions imposed by the United States on Russia over the war in Ukraine.

Rospotrebnadzor states that they are closing the establishments due to violation of hygienic norms. At the moment, a Moscow court has issued a 90-day ban on the operation of these sites.

"Numerous violations of sanitary norms were found during an inspection of McDonald's in Moscow in the period August 18-20, 2014," the Russian services said.

Three more McDonald's restaurants have closed in Russia
Three more McDonald's restaurants have closed in Russia

Russian authorities say their goal is not to withdraw the company from Russia, and that these inspections are not part of a retaliatory strike against the United States.

The chain said it was examining claims by the Russian service to determine the steps needed to open the restaurants to customers as soon as possible.

McDonald's, meanwhile, has announced it will temporarily close 18 of its establishments in September due to renovations. Among them are restaurants in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The press center of the chain announced that the closure is temporary and after the necessary modernization is carried out, the restaurants will reopen to customers.
