How To Remove Paint And Chemicals From Citrus Peels?

How To Remove Paint And Chemicals From Citrus Peels?
How To Remove Paint And Chemicals From Citrus Peels?

Citrus fruits are real vitamin bombs. They are one of the most useful foods for humans. They are loved by millions of people around the world because of their specific sweet and sour, sometimes slightly bitter taste and wonderful refreshing qualities.

Oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits are part of the citrus fruits that are present in the menu and on our table all year round. Unfortunately, they do not grow naturally on the territory of Bulgaria, but are imported from other countries where they are grown. For this reason, they are picked semi-ripe, and in order to have greater durability and not to spoil during transportation and storage, the fruits are treated with paraffin, wax and all sorts of harmful chemicals that we do not even suspect. Thus, in addition to becoming more durable and not rotting, they also acquire a tempting smooth and shiny crust that attracts our eye like a magnet.

It has happened to each of us, buying citrus, after touching them to notice that our hands are greasy or stained. This is due to the already mentioned substances with which the fruits are treated. That is why it is essential to know how to remove paint and chemicals before consuming your favorite oranges or tangerines, for example.

In most cases, just a quick rinse with water is not enough to wash away harmful treatments and dyes.

How to remove paint and chemicals from citrus peels?
How to remove paint and chemicals from citrus peels?

Here's what you need to do - in a suitable container pour warm water and soak the fruit. Leave them for a few minutes, then put a little soda on a special fruit washing sponge and start rubbing the citrus peel. After doing this, immerse them in another container with a pre-prepared solution of water and wine vinegar. Finally, rinse them with clean water under the tap and you can safely consume.

Another option is to wash the fruit with dishwashing detergent, but it foams a lot and is harder to wash off.

Many people like to add citrus peels to a variety of jams, cakes and desserts that they prepare, but experts advise not to do this, no matter how well washed. Also, when making tea, add lemon, but without its peel.
