How To Paint And Decorate Pottery?

How To Paint And Decorate Pottery?
How To Paint And Decorate Pottery?

Pottery - water, clay and fire, intertwined in one and creating both art and household items.

Like most ancient cultures, ceramics is one of the oldest craft traditions in Bulgaria. Not surprisingly, everyone needs cooking utensils to carry liquid. Pottery has been known since the end of the Stone Age. On the Balkan Peninsula, this is the period from 6000 to 4000 BC, which is characterized by the transition to a sedentary lifestyle.

The technology for the production of ceramics was well known to the ancient Balkan peoples. The pottery served in wedding and funeral rituals, and also satisfied daily household needs. The Thracians, whose settlements also covered the Bulgarian lands, replaced the hand-made pottery with a potter's wheel as early as the 7th-6th century BC.

Due to the active trade and cultural ties with Ancient Greece, the influence of the Hellenic masters can be found in the Thracian pottery. With the migration of the Slavs and the Proto-Bulgarians to the Balkans, the inherited Thracian pottery diversified, and at the end of the 9th and the beginning of the 10th century the beginning of the Bulgarian school in this area was set.

The pottery is made by hand or in gypsum molds. The decoration is hand-painted, and the characteristic crystal ringing of quality ceramic vessels is known and appreciated not only in our native country.

Some pottery is unadorned and unglazed. Others such as pitchers, bowls, cronders, bowls are real works of art. Their decoration is with mineral paints, known since the Middle Ages. The vessels from the Chiprovtsi region sing in shades of yellow and green, and those from the Troyan region in free-flowing drops of brown and white.

How to paint and decorate pottery?
How to paint and decorate pottery?

During the Revival in the Tarnovo region the sgraffito-ceramics from the medieval decoration are alive. With the help of a sharp object - a stick or a needle on a still wet vessel with a white engobe geometric or plant motifs are painted, rarely animal images.

The main center of ceramic production in Bulgaria is the town of Troyan, and Troyan ceramics is considered the "real" Bulgarian ceramics. Troyan is a small town in northern Bulgaria, located on the banks of the Beli Osam River at the foot of the Balkan Mountains.

The ceramic style practiced today began in the 19th century on the basis of Slavic and Thracian models. The terracotta clay from the area has a pronounced red color, which turns the Bulgarian ceramics into dark red brown after baking.

The style of painting is different based on the different women (or men) who do it by hand, each with different designs and colors that he prefers. Today, artisans combine traditional designs with modern techniques and vibrant colors to produce amazing pottery for everyday use or home decor. In recent years, Trojan ceramics has appeared on the pages of magazines such as Vogue Magazine, Vogue Living, Bridal Guide, Gourmet Magazine, Elle Décor, Traditional Home and Magazine.

Of course, even if you are not a professional, you can always indulge artistically and indulge in painting on pottery. If you decide to use paints or markers for painting on clay, you must observe the following: Remove the stickers or stickers from the dishes. Wash and dry well. This way you will be sure that the surface is clean and the drawing will stay.

How to paint and decorate pottery?
How to paint and decorate pottery?

You can use templates, make captions or trust your creativity. Place the painted dishes in the oven and run for 30 minutes at 160 degrees with a fan.

It is mandatory to put them in a cold oven, otherwise the ceramics may crack. The market is full of paints, markers and varnishes for this purpose. If you can't paint, you can use the so-called Decoupage method.

Use three-layer napkins with interesting and appropriate motifs, glue C 200 + acrylic paints, if you think you will need them for the end result. Finally, cover the product with several coats of varnish. Make sure each coat is completely dry before applying the next.

The end result should be an absolutely smooth and even surface without protruding edges of the glued picture. Another method for decorating ceramics is the Krakle technique - a method for aging and cracking the vessel.
