Sandwiches Are Tastier With Daisies

Sandwiches Are Tastier With Daisies
Sandwiches Are Tastier With Daisies

Flowers are a wonderful addition to soft drinks and wine cocktails. Fuchsia, for example, is ideal for red wine to which sliced apples or sliced oranges have been added. For more flavor, you can sprinkle a few fuchsia leaves.

Dandelion wine is very fragrant, as long as it is made properly. Dandelions are not so harmless plants because they can be poisonous. Specialists prepare great wine from varieties that are grown in the dark so that there is no bitterness.

Marigold leaves have a slightly bitter aroma, which is very suitable in combination with freshly baked bread and various seafood. Marigold leaves are very effective, if mixed with butter, you can decorate rice or spaghetti with them.

Daisies have a nutty flavor, they are a great addition for salads and also for dessert. It goes well with butter spread on sandwiches. You can sprinkle the salad with daisy leaves.

Lavender has a strong warm taste, reminiscent of camphor alcohol. This makes it suitable for tea, as well as for decorating biscuits and fluffy mousses. Lavender honey also retains this flavor.

Rosemary flowers are combined with creams and teas. It is very suitable for roast meat, especially for roast lamb and mutton. Elder flowers are delicious if dipped in sweet breadcrumbs and fried.


Their sour taste is suitable for their addition to lemonade and wine sauce. Elder flowers are often garnished with meat. Latins have a spicy taste, slightly reminiscent of pepper.

The flowers can be used to decorate salads, sandwiches and cold hors d'oeuvres. The flowers of citrus trees are considered a wonderful culinary product.

With their help a special dessert water is made, they are added to tea, ice cream and desserts. But if you are hoping to consume the bouquet they gave you, you are mistaken.

Flowers for culinary purposes should be grown if possible at home and without chemicals. The flowers are collected early in the morning, washed and dried.

With your garden rose, to which you have not added artificial fertilizer, you will prepare a great fruit salad. Just decorate the fruit with washed petals.

Here are some wonderful sandwich recipes.
