A Little Story About Rice

A Little Story About Rice
A Little Story About Rice

From the fragrant Indian pilaf to the Italian risotto - rice is known all over the world. Rice is a very nutritious food because it is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and easily digestible fiber.

Unlike other cereals, most types of rice do not contain gluten, which makes it ideal for patients with intolerance to cereals.

Like other cereals, rice appeared on our planet about 10,000 years ago, when large glaciers melted and left a huge swampy area.

We can safely say that rice is a staple food for three-quarters of the world's people.

From China to Japan, including India and Indonesia, rice is more than just a food product. It is part of the culture in these countries. Rice is considered a gift of the gods, it is a symbol of fertility and life.

This symbolism is also present in many Mediterranean countries, where there is a tradition of sprinkling rice on the heads of the newlyweds to make them happy and lucky.


Most likely in the countries of Western Europe the rice was brought by Alexander the Great after the conquest of India in 326 BC. The widespread distribution of rice in the Mediterranean countries is due to the Arab culture.

Archaeological excavations show that rice was used even earlier, in 630 BC. It is believed to be one of the products traded in the spice markets in Alexandria.

Today, Italy is the largest supplier of rice in Europe. And did you know that more than 10,000 varieties of rice have been found in the Philippines, but "only" 5,000 are grown? There are only 50 species of Botusha.

Eating rice means eating healthy. "Everyone who eats rice accepts life," is a common saying in India. The nutritional value of rice has been recognized by many other ancient crops. Hippocrates advised the ancient Olympians to fortify themselves with rice before and after competitions.

Scientists have confirmed that rice can compensate for the lack of essential vitamins and minerals caused by excessive consumption of certain foods. Rice contains a lot of vitamin B, as well as vitamin E and PP, the minerals calcium, copper, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium and zinc.

Every 100 grams of raw rice contains 4.1 grams of protein.
