The BFSA Goes On Inspections Due To Fake Labels

The BFSA Goes On Inspections Due To Fake Labels
The BFSA Goes On Inspections Due To Fake Labels

The employees of the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency go for round-the-clock inspections due to the numerous signals for the replacement of labels of expired goods.

The Executive Director of the Agency - Professor Plamen Mollov, announced that it has been established that some of the major retail chains in Bulgaria are replacing the labels of expired or obscure goods.

During their last inspections, inspectors noticed that some of the food on offer did not have an expiration date, batch number or origin information.

Goods with mislabeled labels were also found, but the most common violation found was the replacement of labels due to expired food.

Food chains
Food chains

The Modern Trade Association said it was doing its best to comply with packaging and labeling requirements.

Most of the large food chains support the action of the BFSA, stating that in this way the unfair traders will be punished.

In order to prevent corruption among the inspectors, the management of the Agency has planned a reshuffle so as to break any links between the inspectors and the managers of the food chains.

Cherry tomatoes
Cherry tomatoes

The round-the-clock mobile groups will also monitor whether officially closed shops do not produce food products after the end of the announced working day.

The Regional Council of the Bulgarian Red Cross, on the other hand, decided not to buy tomatoes, but only to plant them.

The initiative of the employees and volunteers of the Bulgarian Red Cross in Varna is part of the innovative methods of the organization for improving its financial condition in 2014.

Our idea is to sell tomatoes to the hotel. The money we earn will be invested in organizing the initiative Hot Lunch for Children - explained Iliya Raev - the chairman of the Bulgarian Red Cross in Varna.

The tomatoes of the humanitarian organization will be planted in the garden next to the Grand Hotel Varna.
