Specifics Of Kneading Einkorn Dough

Specifics Of Kneading Einkorn Dough
Specifics Of Kneading Einkorn Dough

Einkorn is an ancient cereal. All other varieties of wheat that we know today come from it. Until recently, einkorn was considered an obsolete cereal, but in recent years it has undergone rehabilitation.

The nutritional value of einkorn is much higher than wheat. However, the yield of einkorn is much lower than that of wheat.

Einkorn contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, selenium, manganese, potassium, copper, vitamin B, A, E, beta kaeotin, fatty acids, protein, and others.

Einkorn helps in the regulation and production of sex hormones, improves the immune system, is useful in building bones, increases digestive function, lowers cholesterol levels and lowers blood sugar levels.

Einkorn flour has very low levels of gluten. This gives it many advantages over wheat flour. Because gluten is an allergen, einkorn flour can be safely used for baby porridge, young children and people who are allergic to gluten. The chances of getting an allergic reaction from einkorn are very small.

Einkorn dough
Einkorn dough

Photo: VILI-Violeta Mateva

Pasta made from this flour is also suitable for people who follow a diet.

Einkorn flour is often used to make pizzas. It is preferred because there is no risk of the dough becoming hard or tough.

Specifics of kneading einkorn dough

The peculiarities of kneading the einkorn dough due to the low gluten content in the grain. Everyone knows that in order for the dough to knead well and rise, the gluten content must be higher.

Einkorn bread
Einkorn bread

Photo: Veselina Konstantinova

When kneading dough with einkorn flour, you should use live yeast or baking soda. With this type of flour, the use of yeast does not give good results.

The specific at kneading einkorn dough is that you need to increase the amount of water. Unlike dough mixed with wheat flour, for einkorn flour more water is needed.

Einkorn flour also absorbs water more slowly. When you leave the finished einkorn dough to rise, it should be well moistened.

If you have not prepared yet something einkorn dough, be sure to try. You will not regret - it is more useful and quite tasty.
