The Choice Of Food Depends On The Mood

The Choice Of Food Depends On The Mood
The Choice Of Food Depends On The Mood

Everyone has a different taste, but people experience different taste preferences depending on their mood. The desire for sweets occurs when a person is lazy.

From an overdose of sugar in the body, immunity decreases, metabolism is impaired, liver function, vision suffers. It is very sweet to consume people who do not try to solve their problems.

When sad, one reaches for bitter foods - mustard, rye bread, coffee. As a result of an overdose of bitter products, chronic infections and bone diseases appear.

The pessimist wants sour, like everyone when he is in a bad mood - strange as it may seem, this is a kind of alternative to the sweets that are consumed under stress.

The choice of food depends on the mood
The choice of food depends on the mood

Excessive consumption of acidic foods damages the heart, lungs, stomach, joints and upsets the body's balance. The tense person, who is always in a hurry for something, wants salty foods.

Nervous people put a lot of salt in their food. Excessive use of salt, however, harms the whole body, mainly attacks the bronchi, kidneys and joints.

The desire for tart food occurs when trying to achieve a goal. Excessive food intake leads to joint and bone disease.

Spicy food is preferred by people who are angry. Excessive consumption of spicy foods leads to inflammatory processes in the liver, stomach and reproductive system.

The need for fried food arises from fatigue and aversion to work. Excess with fried products leads to congestion of blood vessels and the brain, to disruption of the digestive system.
