Grape Juice Improves Memory

Grape Juice Improves Memory
Grape Juice Improves Memory

If you have recently noticed that you happen to forget important things more and more often, then stock up on grape juice.

He successfully regained the lost memory, according to American scientists, quoted by the English newspaper "Telegraph".

The discovery is part of a large-scale study of the relationship between memory and fruit and vegetable consumption. Scientists are convinced that in the fight against the loss of intelligence, the antioxidants in these foods are a powerful weapon.

What did the Yankees do? Specialists from the University of Cincinnati hired 12 people between the ages of 75 and 80. They all had some memory problems.


Six of the participants in the experiment had to drink 100 ml of freshly squeezed grape juice for 12 weeks. The other six did not drink juice.

Throughout each day, scientists tested the memory of all 12 people through basic memorization exercises.

Those of the volunteers who took grape juice regained their memory with each passing day and showed excellent results.

Scientists believe that the juice restores intelligence with the help of antioxidants it contains. "We found a simple and easy method that can improve the memory of the elderly," said team leader Dr. Robert Krikoryan.
