Products That Are A Real Sugar Bomb

Products That Are A Real Sugar Bomb
Products That Are A Real Sugar Bomb

In recent decades, the consumption of confectionery has increased dramatically, which has increased the incidence of obesity and diabetes. Sugar is a form of carbohydrate and is found in a variety of products, including some fruits and vegetables.

Every human body needs sugar, but in larger quantities than it needs, it can seriously endanger our health. From the foodpanda platform, they selected those foods that contain the highest levels of refined sugar.

Honey, molasses, maple syrup and sweetened drinks - 100% refined sugar;

Soft drinks - 95% refined sugar;


Candy, nougat - 93% refined sugar;

Dried fruits - 81% refined sugar;

Biscuits, cakes and cookies - 75% refined sugar;

Marmalade - 60% refined sugar;

Cereals - 56% refined sugar;

Canned fruits - 52% refined sugar;

Sauces - 38% refined sugar;

Ice cream and milk shakes - 25% refined sugar:

Some foods such as fruits, vegetables and dairy products are made up of naturally occurring sugars. Particularly rich in natural sugar are tropical fruits, ripe bananas, watermelon and dates.

Among those with lower sugar content are apples, pears and small berries.
