Your Heart Will Work Better If You Reduce Salt

Your Heart Will Work Better If You Reduce Salt
Your Heart Will Work Better If You Reduce Salt

Researchers at the University of California have found that adolescents who eat less salt in their diet are less likely to suffer from heart disease and high blood pressure over the years.

Scientists base their conclusions on data obtained from a computer model, which convincingly show the positive effects on the body of giving up salt.

In adolescents, salt enters the body mainly through the very popular among children today semi-finished products such as chips, snacks, saltines and all sorts of other products that contain large amounts of salt.

If you give up three grams of salt, the probability of raising blood pressure in adulthood is reduced from 44 to 63 percent. In addition, when they reach the age of 35 to 50, this percentage will be between 30 and 43.


At the same time, as we approach the age of 50, the probability of developing heart disease will decrease to 7-12 percent, and heart attacks to 8-14 percent.

According to the study's lead author, Dr. Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, lowering the amount of salt consumed gives teens a few more years to live without high blood pressure and will change perceptions of the taste of food and the amount of salt in it.

In America, the main consumers of salt are adolescents. Studies show that in no other age group does the use exceed nine grams.

About eighty percent of salt enters the body from semi-finished and ready-to-eat foods, with the children's salt delivery championship held by the popular pizza.

If children give up unhealthy semi-finished products and certain types of food in time, they will replace them with guaranteed better health when they reach adulthood.
