You Eat Hot Dogs, You Hurt Your Heart

You Eat Hot Dogs, You Hurt Your Heart
You Eat Hot Dogs, You Hurt Your Heart

Hot dogs are one of the most popular fast food foods not only in the United States but in many parts of the world. In Bulgaria inclusive.

A new American study by the Harvard School of Medicine found that just one loaf of sausage a day increases your risk of cardiovascular disease by 42%.

The study is based on the analysis of 1,600 studies on a total of 1.2 million people in a dozen countries and is published on the website of Circulation magazine.

Daily consumption of 50 grams of sausages such as sausages, a few slices of mortadella or smoked bacon is associated with a 42% increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease. The risk of diabetes also increases by 19 percent.

The authors of the study claim that when comparing the content of saturated fat and cholesterol in fresh red meat and processed meat in the United States, the same ratio is found.

"However, the meat processed into sausages has 4 times more salt and 50% additional nitrates," said Renata Micha of the team that conducted the study.

It's no secret that salt raises blood pressure. And this in turn is one of the factors for cardiovascular disease. Preservatives in sausages are also a factor in the formation of atherosclerosis.

The authors of the study specify that if we eat only meat or sausages once a week, it carries a relatively low risk of heart disease.
