The Combination Of St. John's Wort And Olive Oil Works Wonders For The Body

The Combination Of St. John's Wort And Olive Oil Works Wonders For The Body
The Combination Of St. John's Wort And Olive Oil Works Wonders For The Body

Homemade medicine from St. John's wort and olive oil can help with many ailments and relieve your pain. The recipe is easy to prepare and you only need these two products, and here's how to make the healing mixture:

Put well-bloomed St. John's wort flowers in a jar and press them well - there is no specific amount of the herb, put as much as the pot absorbs. Then pour the herb with olive oil (enough to cover the flowers) and cover the jar with a lid, which you must first pierce.

Another good option is to cover the throat of the lid with rice paper - the goal is for the mixture to breathe. The jar is left in the sun for 40 days.

After this period you will notice that the homemade tincture has turned blood red - you can now store it in the refrigerator and store it. Mold may form on its surface - just remove the cap.

Olive oil
Olive oil

The mixture prepared in this way is extremely effective for various types of wounds, herpes, insect bites, sports injuries. The regenerating and antimicrobial action of St. John's wort will help your wounds heal quickly.

The mixture can also be applied for toothache - smear your cheek on the outside exactly where you feel pain and after a while the discomfort will disappear.

The home remedy is also effective for red wind, burns, sprains and sprains. For internal use, the mixture is recommended for conditions such as colitis - drink one tablespoon before each meal. It is best to wait 20 minutes before eating something.

St. John's Wort
St. John's Wort

Keep in mind that the mixture has a mild laxative effect. St. John's wort with olive oil can also be useful for pain or tinnitus - put a few drops. The mixture can help even with rheumatism.

Cold weather brings with it many forgotten health problems. Traditional medicine is a good choice for their treatment, but in any case it is wise to consult a doctor to make sure you are treated properly.
