How Important Is It Not To Miss Breakfast?

How Important Is It Not To Miss Breakfast?
How Important Is It Not To Miss Breakfast?

Breakfast is a very important meal - it can either make or break your day. Breakfast provides energy for the first part of the day; improves concentration and sharpens memory; regulates blood sugar and cholesterol levels; reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease. According to many diets, it regulates the feeling of hunger in the later hours of the day and therefore the morning meal is included in the diet itself.

Is this true, or just an unconfirmed myth about the value of breakfast?

After experiments, their results were subjected to comparative analysis. It turned out that there is no difference in weight loss between those who eat breakfast regularly and those who miss this meal. Another result of the same study shows that there is no difference in the amount of calories burned between breakfast and non-breakfast.

It turns out that weight loss does not depend on it whether breakfast is missed, or not. As paradoxical as it may sound, it is quite possible to skip meals and still gain weight.

These productions need more detailed explanations. By skipping the first meal, the total caloric intake for the day can be reduced by about 400 calories. This is a logical consequence of skipping a meal. Based on the two possibilities - eating in the morning and skipping meals, controlled studies have been conducted, which give interesting results.

The experiment involved more than 300 overweight volunteers. They were observed for 4 months. One group of them ate breakfast regularly, the others did not. There was no difference in weight between the two groups. This means that the overall energy balance does not change despite the presence or absence of another meal.

breakfast and coffee
breakfast and coffee

Something more: skipping breakfast it can even have a positive effect on health. One of the diet regimes includes 16 hours of fasting and then an 8-hour food window. The time during which you eat is from lunch to dinner misses breakfast. Periodic fasting reduces calorie intake and speeds up metabolism.

Excerpts say that breakfast should not be taken as a special meal, it is simply one of all three main meals during the day. It doesn't matter if you miss breakfast. Healthy eating throughout the day is important.

Breakfast itself is a matter of personal vision. When you feel hungry in the morning, you can give the body the energy it needs.

Breakfast is a matter of individual need. Old understandings need to be rethought.
