Surprising Facts About Brandy

Surprising Facts About Brandy
Surprising Facts About Brandy

Brandy is the favorite alcoholic beverage of Bulgarians, which has even become national. Its name comes from the Arabic word arak, which means drop. It is not clear whether this is due to its technology of making or to the fact that it makes people sweat because of its high alcohol content, but hardly anyone is already interested in it, as long as it is sitting on the table with a glass of brandy.

However, here's what is interesting to learn about this delicious, but also somewhat insidious drink:

- Although brandy is produced in many countries, this brandy, which we know, is typically Bulgarian and is the traditional drink of Bulgaria. The brandies of Serbia, Hungary, the Republic of Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro are similar in taste to our brandy. Its more distant brethren, who are also brandies but quite different in taste, are Japanese sake, Mexican tequila, and Russian moonshine;

- Brandy it can be served at any time of the year, but it is not preferable to drink it if it is too hot. It can be drunk both at lunch and in the evening, at room temperature or pre-chilled in the refrigerator or freezer;


- It is customary for brandy to go hand in hand with Shopska salad or shepherd's salad, but in practice almost everything goes with brandy, even fruit;

- In Bulgaria, in addition to traditional salads, all kinds of pickles, meat appetizers, cheeses and yellow cheeses, etc.;

- Traditionally, brandy is served before the main course, but if you want to be straight, you can continue to drink your brandy during the main course. Just remember that brandies, especially homemade ones, are strong alcoholic beverages and should not be overdone;

Brandy and Shopska salad
Brandy and Shopska salad

- A favorite drink, especially in winter, is hot brandy. Unlike ordinary brandy, which is usually served in glass cups, hot brandy is good to serve in clay. They maintain its temperature for a longer time;

- Heated brandy has a sweeter taste because sugar or honey is added to it. Precisely due to the fact that it is sweeter, it is much more beer than usual, but at the same time more dangerous. As tasty as it is, count how many cups you will drink if you want to have memories of consuming it.
